I was out for my usual Sunday run the other day, but the park where I run was like an ice rink. I changed direction and ran on pavement instead, which was fine. My current running shoes are Saucony, which are generally great, but haven’t got any grip at all. Can anyone recommend non slip shoes with better grip ?
Running in icy weather any shoe recommendations? - Couch to 5K
Running in icy weather any shoe recommendations?
Rather depends on the ice/frost and terrain. Trail shoes _can_ be better but if its actual ice and not frost then it doesn't always matter. If you've got Saucony Road shoes I'd def recommend looking at the Peregrine for bad weather but still keep to the verges, grass or rougher ground to give you more grip. I run at the pavement edges if it's slippy or head to the fields and off road trails.
Trail shoes tend to have better grip than road shoes, though they vary considerably.
This FAQ Post about Winter running may give some general tips healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
Trail shoes..
I was wondering myself this morning what to run in .I have Saucony road shoes and also Saucony trail shoes .
I went for the road shoes but definitely had to be conscious of where I ran.
It was frost with a little ice around and zero degrees.
Any worse and I would have worn my trail shoes .
It's difficult. Some shoes have little flecks of metal embedded in the rubber of the sole, and that's supposed to help. It hasn't for me.