Completed W8R2 yesterday so ran 28 minutes for the second time. My app says I only travelled 3.5k. I’m not sure I could run faster than I did. I struggled yesterday a little, had to wear a brace on my dodgy knee for the first time in forever and had to fight to keep running which hasn’t really happened before. I’m just feeling a bit disheartened that I’m not going to make it to 5k I suppose. Anyone else out there as slow as me?
Am I running fast enough?: Completed W8R... - Couch to 5K
Am I running fast enough?

Welcome to the forum and well done on your progress.
Only a small proportion of graduates from this forum who responded to a poll, managed 5k in 30 minutes by graduation
Graduation requirements are that you complete three thirty minute runs, regardless of distance.
Slow running builds stamina and are doing great.
This guide to the plan is essential reading
and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.
Enjoy your journey.
Don’t get disheartened- you can do it! It’s not about speed, once you’re up to running consistently for 30mins 5k is achievable - I usually take about 35-37mins. (I’ve completed the course a few times due to either injury or laziness). When you do the last run if you decide you want to try and complete the full 5k distance work out your route before hand and when the timer sounds to finish just keep going!

1. Well done!
2. "I’m not sure I could run faster than I did". SLOW DOWN!
3. "I’m just feeling a bit disheartened that I’m not going to make it to 5k ..." Don't be. You're doing brilliantly. Only 10% of graduates actually achieve 5k in Week 9, so you're in good company - part of the overwhelming majority of people who don't reach 5k in 30 minutes. Relax
4. "Anyone else out there as slow as me?" There are many who are slower than you.

As others have said, the goal of C25K is not to run 5km even if it's in the title of the programme.
Pushing too hard is likely to lead to an injury. (I can attest to this personally.)
Your running pace is fine. As long as both feet are off the ground at some point in your stride, you're running.

You are doing just fine !5k is NOT a requirement for graduation !
distance is IRRELEVANT ,
just concentrate on running the required time thats all .
Have a look at this post .

For me, after a while my natural dejection over being "slow" was replaced by the great feeling of simply "able to run" :)I've never done 5k in 30 minutes - but in 5 years I have gone from where Day One, Week One, nearly gave me a heart attack to running Half Marathons without stopping.
Only way I'll ever be "fast" in a sport is if I take up Formula 1 driving lol Would not be as much fun as Running is though

Fast enough for what? You definitely won't win the Olympics, but if you want to improve physical and mental health, you're doing just fine. 👌
Speed is overrated. Good luck x

Don’t fret over speed. You’re doing really well just being out there running. You really must take a rest and let that knee recover and when you go back out take a deep breath and go really, really slowly. Forget the speed for now and good luck. Remember to enjoy those runs 👍😊

Sounds like you're going about the same pace as I am! Don't fret I haven't reached 5k yet either and had the exact same thoughts but I've realised the goal isn't 5k it's 30 minutes and I'm comfortable with that! 5k will just be another goal when I graduate.

Yes , lots of us are slower than you. I am, even a year later! You are doing great. Give yourself a big pat on the back, Slow Down, and enjoy your last week. Good luck.

Please don’t worry about pace…as has already been said here, it’s about running non stop for 30 minutes. When I graduated last year, I covered 3.3km…
Since then I’ve run numerous (not) Park Runs, and several 10kms…and any number of distances from 3km and up, plus assorted timed runs from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours.
My PB for 5km is 41:06…but I haven’t managed that for a while! I’m looking at your name and thinking (as an ex midwife) that the word “tired” is probably an understatement…so please be kind to yourself, and make sure you take those recovery/rest days.
Happy running 🐌🐢🏃🏻♀️🥰

Great stuff. Please don't overdo it. Most important that you enjoy running and get properly addicted. The running becomes easier and speed follows. I didn't make 5km in 30mins for quite a few weeks after finishing c25k. I did though run on a bit until I reached 5km in whatever time. You have many years of fun running ahead of you so....... please take your time