A year ago today (how ironic) I decided enough was enough and I needed to sort myself out! I’d put on just over a stone in two months and I felt like shit! I started calorie counting and losing the weight but I needed something more so in June, I bought myself a treadmill and embarked on the C25K journey.
It was hard! Really hard! It took me weeks to be able to do the first run because I was that unfit! I didn’t think that I’d ever be able to do it.
I managed to get to week 4 before I gave up and blamed it on life getting in the way.
In January, I decided to try it again! It’s been a long journey and I’ve repeated so many weeks but I’ve just completed the whole programme. 30 minutes of running!!! I’m not quite at the 5k mark but I really don’t care, I can run for 30 minutes (I just can’t believe it!).
I hadn’t done any exercise since year 8 in school and I’ve never, ever been able to run so this, to me, is a massive achievement that I wouldn’t ever think was possible!
I’ve lost all the weight that I put on, plus more and I feel good, I can walk up the stairs now without getting out of breath so that’s always a bonus 😂
Now to start the real journey! Race for life, I’m coming for you!!! 🥳🥳