Week 6 & had my first struggle!: Hi everyone, my... - Couch to 5K

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Week 6 & had my first struggle!

dawnchorus1718 profile image
7 Replies

Hi everyone, my first post! But I've been reading a few of yours and it's inspired me, so thank you!

This is my first time doing C25k, I've always been one of those people who insisted they couldn't run. I used to push myself to go to gym classes (last time being 4yr ago before I became a mum for the first time) but fitness has always been a bit of a challenge for me ha. But I am actually really enjoying running and I never thought I'd hear those words come out of my mouth..but being mum to two little ones now, I find it a form of escape and "me time" just getting out the house on my own, doing something for me for a change and feeling the air in my lungs!

I'm feeling so proud of how far I've come however for the first time this week (week 6 run 2) I really struggled and had to walk before I was meant to on both of the 10 min runs. Even tho I managed 20 min the week before?! I didn't have my music which definitely didnt help..hearing my breathing was horrible! and I ran a new unfamiliar route. However, I repeated it yesterday and did it, but I was so breathless by the end & certainly couldn't hold a conversation..I've read some of the links from here and I think I've been running too fast. I have my week 6 run 3 tomorrow...😬 and I'm going to really try and pace myself!

What I really would like is some advice on if I should be doing anything on days between runs.. but I have very little time. I have a demanding 1 &3yr old and work part time. My husband works late shifts 5-6 days a week, so the only time I get to myself is on the morning of my days off when he is home and I go out for my run before he starts work, then it's just me and the kids all day til 11pm. I could maybe spend 10-15min max doing something on rest days while they play but not sure what.

I spend a few minutes doing static stretches after each run. But today (rest day) for the first time I decided to try some strength exercises (squats, lunges etc) however I have had problems with my knees in the past, and I have started to feel a twinge in my knee since doing those exercises this morning, and I'm scared I'll end up injuring myself.

After all this babble, I guess my question is, am I ok just doing the runs and a few min of stretches after each run, and nothing else on the days between?

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dawnchorus1718 profile image
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7 Replies
joeyg76 profile image

It took me a while to learn to pace myself. I would start running to the pace of my music which was too fast and then struggle with being out of breath. I now listen to podcasts when I run which helps to distract me, but also enables me to find a slower pace which suits me. As for days between, I bought myself some resistance bands which are fairly cheap and don’t take up much space. I then found exercises online and use the bands to work on strength. Can do as much or as little as I have time for.

I also love yoga with Adrienne on YouTube, it’s free and she has yoga for all needs and times of sessions. Example there are yoga for runners programmes of 20 minutes +.

dawnchorus1718 profile image
dawnchorus1718 in reply to joeyg76

Thank you! That's a good point about the music, I had actually kept with the podcasts up til this week then made my own running play list this week with some really up tempo songs and I think I was definitely letting it affect my pace then paying the price! I read this lastnight then did W6R3 today and worked on pacing myself and managed the whole 25mins! Thanks for the advice on the work outs too wil have a look at those 😊

Lily888 profile image

Hello Dawnchorus, my first post too! I think you are doing amazingly well so don't be too harsh on yourself. I think music helps a lot - I run to the beat - so being without it would be tough. But you should not be breathless - I found that I hated running if I was breathless, so make sure you can speak in sentences - I genuinely talk out loud sometimes to check. And slower can mean little steps rather than going in slow motion - keep your cadence high but run tiny little itty bitty steps. I think this might be easier on your knees too. Check out the Japanese slow jogging videos.

I did nothing on the rest days, but if you want to do something, then core work would be useful - apparently you need a strong core for running, and your kids will find it hilarious if you are on the floor doing crunches for 5 minutes.

dawnchorus1718 profile image
dawnchorus1718 in reply to Lily888

Thanks so much Lily for your kind and motivating words 🥰I watched the slow jog video from a link on here before my run this morning and it definitely helped, if I felt myself getting breathless I slowed and then eventually found a happy pace to keep going at! That's good to know about the smaller steps too wil try that also! Haha yes good idea I haven't done core work for such a long time and this mum tum could definitely do with something! 😬 the kids would probably love it too haha. But good to know if I don't have time for anything on rest days I can still be successful with this program hopefully, like you have! 🤞🏽😊

Lily888 profile image
Lily888Graduate in reply to dawnchorus1718

So glad it was helpful. Let me know how it goes on your next run - there is another person cheering you on now! And don't forget it is a mental challenge - if you are not too breathless, then you can do it. Enjoy your run in the fresh air, and the great feeling afterwards when you have done it.

dawnchorus1718 profile image
dawnchorus1718 in reply to Lily888

Thank you! I did w7R1 yesterday, honestly 2mins in I felt I can't do this, but I kept going, and it's funny how you feel better not more tired as you keep going sometimes! I think I've got much better at finding my pace, I tried smaller steps too this time as you suggested when I felt I was getting too fast and this also helped. After that I found a nice steady pace for the last half of the run and even found I could push myself for the last 60 secs and finished on a high. Thanks so much for your supportive words! 😊

Lily888 profile image
Lily888Graduate in reply to dawnchorus1718

That's fantastic, Dawn, I am SO pleased for you. Well done. Check in again so I can cheer you on again! It occurred to me to share this link - it's quite long and very American, but I found it very useful, especially on the running technique nerdfitness.com/blog/couch-....

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