W7R1 - Stubborn as a mule!! (Thank god) - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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W7R1 - Stubborn as a mule!! (Thank god)

β€’38 Replies

I had a real fight on this morning with the inner demons, little 🀬 they were! Followed me for the first mile at least, nagging in my ear.

What are you trying to prove? Why bother? Go home!! What will it change?!

Got to the racecourse and just wanted to stand and enjoy the view to be honest, soak up the morning sun.....

Instead I dug in, sometimes going faster, sometimes slower, but my chunky thighs kept giving me what I needed to pass the time, minute by minute.....grateful for my strong legs today..

Still not quite sure that I'm enjoying the running but I AM enjoying the feeling of beating my demons, one run at a time.

I don't get nervous any more, that's good and I love how my breathing is steady and rhythmic..the puffing and panting is gone!

Just got to calm the saboteur who keeps trying to trip me up....

Grateful for the daily posts that inspire me and keep pushing me to get out there....

Anyone having their doubts? The struggle is real but keep winning those little battles and one day you'll have won the war too! Xx

38 Replies
pete1212 profile image

Well done on your run Burkey46 we all have them days toxic 10 love them it happens happy Running πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

in reply to pete1212

Cheers Pete πŸ™

pete1212 profile image
pete1212Graduate in reply to pete1212

Want be long before you be a Graduate πŸŽ“ just relax and slow down if need be and enjoy those demons linger around everyone so well done for getting through the run πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Roxdog profile image

Well done for beating the demons. We all get them , imposter syndrome, I'm not a real runner, what the hell am I doing etc. But as you get more miles in, this will change. The demons lurk and running is mainly a mental challenge once your fitness and strength is established, but everyone develops their own techniques for overcoming those challenges. Keep on doing what you're doing!

in reply to Roxdog

Agree with you 100% - the mental challenge is certainly the greatest one when it comes to this running lark.

Think I'm going to switch from music to podcasts and see how that helps. I like having a voice in my ear, blocks out the nagging doubts 😊

Roxdog profile image
RoxdogGraduate in reply to

I run without music now, but also without anything in my ears. It feels freer somehow!

Ian5K profile image

You look like you’re doing really well. The final isn’t too far now, and I see you winning!

I’ll put a couple of quid on. πŸ™‚

in reply to Ian5K

Thank you Ian 😘

mezziejay profile image

Very deep ! I feel bad now for not going out today ...Zumba yesterday with a million squats have killed my thighs !! Just look ahead at that finish line it’s like REALLY close πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ

in reply to mezziejay

Right now if I did one squat I wouldn't get up again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

mezziejay profile image
mezziejayGraduate in reply to


LottieMW profile image

Well done for today πŸ‘Š

I know what you mean...I cant believe I’m now in Week 6. I’m still logging my sessions on Strava and Map My Walk as *walks*.

Mr Lottie still thinks I am going for daily walks...


Lonmayloon profile image

Well done, I think you’ve passed the difficult part. Weeks 7, 8 and 9 are just more of the same.

I graduated C25K at start of August and up until then I can’t say that I enjoyed running, but I do now! I have completed 10k and β€œnormal” runs are 5k.

Long list of benefits to look forward to in the weeks ahead.

All the best.

in reply to Lonmayloon

It's the health benefits that keep pushing me, something keeps telling me I'd be doing myself a massive disservice if I stop now.

The closer I get to 50 the more I know I need to do this x

Lonmayloon profile image
LonmayloonGraduate in reply to

I’m 62 and the list of benefits is long. Lower blood pressure, lower resting heart rate, more stamina, better muscle tone, improved breathing, sounder sleep to name just a few. I treated myself to a Garmin watch in week 9 so that I could record the β€œfinal” run. Being a man I can now list all of these and be fascinated by the improvement. πŸ˜€ Sad but true.

Oh, and you’re mid-forties. 50 is a long, long way off.

Speedy60 profile image

Well done. That sounds very familiar from my couch to 5k experience. I really had to keep my chin up and fight those demons in the early days.

The bad news is that it took me more than 4 months to actually admit that I am a runner and I enjoy running.

The good news is that 13 months later running has become part of my life. I love it and wouldn't voluntarily give it up.

Keep going and good luck! πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘

in reply to Speedy60

Thank you Speedy, I know I'm driven to keep getting out there...it would be great to be where you are a year from now πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Speedy60 profile image
Speedy60Graduate in reply to

It's in your hands - or maybe your feet! πŸ˜‰

You do need a good dose of bloodymindedness though.

CazzaW profile image

Really well done πŸ‘ so glad you posted this early so I could read and take inspiration just before I head out for my first 20 min. stint 😬

I will do it πŸ’ͺ altho’ I know it’s not going to be easy!

Good luck with R2, just think you’ll be a graduate in a couple of weeks πŸ˜ƒ

in reply to CazzaW

That 20 minutes will make you feel like a true warrior πŸ’ͺ best of luck with it Cazza x

CazzaW profile image
CazzaWGraduate in reply to

Thank you πŸ’β€β™€οΈam literally walking out of the door now, warmed up and ready to go. Glad I checked in with you first 😊 you’re like my second coach πŸ˜‚

Maxi80 profile image

I recognise that racecourse, I think! Southwell?!

Maxi80 profile image
Maxi80 in reply to Maxi80

Cheltenham, it’s Cheltenham!! It was impossible getting accommodation for the festival so I gave in!

in reply to Maxi80

I always have a spare room and it's an easy stroll from my house. Just don't go when there's a pandemic πŸ‘πŸ˜

Maxi80 profile image
Maxi80 in reply to

That is very kind of you!!! And I know. It should’ve been cancelled πŸ™ˆ

in reply to Maxi80

Cheltenham 😁

Tinytears60 profile image

Well done Lady! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ another run in the bag! You’re doing great!

There is no better feeling that squashing those gremlins πŸ‘Ί ... I know a lady on here who vomited on hers.. it did the trick tho.. πŸ‘Œ

My biggest learn from C25k was that whilst I think u got this physically... the mental battle is a different matter! It’s a rich fertile soil for those pesky gremlins! πŸ‘ΊπŸ™ˆπŸ˜‘

I’ve got too many to list!....bloody Competitive Annie is NEVER happy but I’ve learnt to stick up 2 fingers to her and tell her to bugger off 🀣 I think even she’s realised I’m doing my best πŸ‘πŸ‘

Photo looks fab! ... lovely sunny day for your run β˜€οΈ

in reply to Tinytears60

Thank you TT πŸ‘

You're right, physically I know I'm getting stronger, getting over the mental hurdles is a whole other game however.

But I'll keep taking it one day at a time...and thank you for the support and words of encouragement x

JulesL69 profile image

Well done ! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ... I’m just like you, not throughly enjoying it but I do love the feeling when I have finished.

You’re determined like me so will overcome the demons... we all have them I’m sure. Enjoy your rest day 😊 and it’s sunny 😎

VPOLLIE67 profile image

Hi Burkey.

Well done on Week 7, run 1!!! I agree with everything you have posted - beating the demons is the hardest part of this programme but the feeling at the end is joyful.

I’m incredibly proud of all of us who started together 6 weeks ago. I can hear everyone of you shouting at me to keep going when I’d much rather have a wee stroll - and reading your posts has kept me focussed throughout.

Keep going lovely lady!!!! You are inspirational and incredible.

in reply to VPOLLIE67

Beautiful words VP and likewise, the support here is like getting wind in your sails on every run. It's the best feeling x

Kish247 profile image

This is what it's all about and really well done - an inspiring post so thanks to your and your thighs haha! πŸ™‚

Pushing yourself and kicking those demons out the way is brilliant and I hate to break this to you but you must enjoy running if you are beating those demons - your secret is safe with us, dont worry 🀣

I do also sometimes have doubts doing runs, I think we all do. For me, I've lost some motivation since finishing the C25K and I've noticed that i'm making up excuses now like 'not having enough water for tomorrow' which is just me being a wimp so I need to read this post tonight before my run tomorrow morning πŸ™‚

I'm really looking forward to you finishing this programme - I know you'll do it! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘

in reply to Kish247

Maybe you're right Kish and I'm in denial about the running πŸ˜‰

I do know my self inflicted lack of fitness has held me back loads in life so I'm currently being driven by a desire to be the best version of me I can be....or at least a better version.

Every run is proof I am stronger than I think I am.

Got to say though, I just love the support I get here on this forum from people like you. When the whole world has been turned on it's head like it has this year, it's great to find a place where you can still find heart, compassion and spirit - so thank you x

Kish247 profile image
Kish247Graduate in reply to

You're welcome any time, we all need each other at times and like I said in my graduation post, I'll be looking back at this year as something amazing I started, not at the pandemic - I'm proud of everyone on here.

Very true about every run being proof that you are stronger than you think you are. Good going as always and thanks for the kind words x

Health2020 profile image

Well done on your run and well done for telling the doubting voices to go away!! X

Jnubster profile image

Great post and definitely one I relate to!! I can say on more occasions than one I too have demons who aren’t kind to me either πŸ™ˆ but I’m determined to get the better of them πŸ’ͺ🏼

acountrycabbage profile image

Well done Burkey! πŸ‘πŸΌ We’ve got a sunny week ahead - go smash it! β˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž

Dodgylungs profile image

Well done for defeating your demons! It requires an awful lot of mental strength when our heads are telling us to stop. Being stubborn is absolutely a big plus in those situations. I know what you mean about not quite enjoying the runs but I think there will come a time where we do enjoy them (he says hopefully!).

I have a feeling some of my demons are to do with running up inclines. As soon as I’m on the flat I’m fine. I think when it gets to the consolidation runs and I try to achieve 5K in 30 minutes I’ll have to do a lot of it on the flat.

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