This was my last consolidation run before starting Ju Ju's magic plan, I have been at work all day, got ready to go did not feel motivated but thought once I started it would be good, then 17 minutes in my music stopped so I started walking while is checked out what was going on, started running again and my legs felt like lead, so just walked home. I feel disappointed in myself.
Deflated : This was my last consolidation run... - Couch to 5K
Oh I wouldn't beat yourself up about it ! At least you went out after work and ran for 17minutes ! 🙂
And soon you will be starting ju ju's plan , so all sounds good to me 😬
Maybe worth looking at your hydration though if your legs felt like lead ?
That's true as been at work and very busy (NHS). Do you know how much you should drink? and on the Magic Plan what would you say is best doing the time or distance?
I think Julia (ju ju) would better advise on which to do , but if you are doing 5k in approx 30 mins give or take then I would think to go for the distance plan .
If your 5k is quite a bit longer than 30 minutes perhaps the time plan
Your body knows how much water it needs. It has sensors in the back of the throat for this.
Don’t sip your water. Drink it at a regular medium pace, you’re sort of "glugging" it. (Your throat may make that sound, a bit)
At some point you’ll suddenly feel like stopping. Do that. That’s the amount of water your body wants.
(no matter what nobody wants, I wouldn’t drink more than 2 1/2 glasses of water at once!! obviously never drink something like a gallon because you will die.)
Drink **water**
There’s more behind the scenes stuff on how scientist figured this out, how your body makes the estimation et Cetera et Cetera. Feel free to ask me or Google it if any of that matters to you.
once again, sort of chug the water, and stop when you feel like stopping. That’s all
Feeling your pain. I too am signed up all ready to start JJuju's Magic plan. I have run/shuffled 3 times a week without missing a single run and I was feeling ready to move on, but unfortunately I was unwell over the weekend ( nothing serious) so missed a couple of runs. Went out this morning before work and did only 15 mins .It really knocks your confidence. Hopefully we'll both be back and raring to go by the weekend!
Thank you for that, you have made me feel better, we are all human.
You might have gone a bit fast at the start. Now that you've been running a while, at the start of the run a faster pace will feel as easy as a slower pace used to. So perhaps you're going out at the same effort-level as you were doing a while back, but moving faster. That pace isn't sustainable over the whole run though, you will tire quicker.
It might sound silly, but running slower than you feel you should run can be quite hard at first. Make an effort to make less effort! It's not ideal to push yourself in every single run. It's good for you to have some reeeeally sloooow runs. They have the benefit of training your muscles in running, and also the benefit of not causing so much wear on your body as a faster run, so the recovery days either side of the slow run become extra effective.
Also, because Week 9 was all 30min runs most people do 30mins or slightly more as their standard consolidation run. That's great if that's what they choose, but it's worth knowing that if you vary the lengths with some runs shorter than 30 mins and some longer you aren't regressing.
Good luck with the Magic Plan. I finished it this weekend, it's just as well-designed as C25k, I hope you enjoy it
Thank you so much for the reply. I was running faster at the beginning but at the time I thought it was because I was fitter. Which was why I was more disappointed. I feel so much better about it now and looking forward to starting the magic plan. Did you do time or distance?
You ARE fitter, definitely . But the various aspect of your fitness won't have improved uniformly, and you can't necessarily take advantage of all the new aspects of your improved fitness at once. You'll be able to sprint faster than before, and to sustain a faster 'easy' pace than before, and to run for longer and for more distance, and possibly to run up slopes you used to need to walk up, but you can't do all of these things on the same run, not yet.
I did Time first, and when I got to 60 mins I had done 8km, so I counted my final week of Time as W5 of Distance, and then I did W6-8 of Distance. It felt great, definitely worthwhile.
Don’t be disheartened, these things happen... happened to me today actually, just couldn’t get my head into the run no matter what I tried. For us both, there’s always another run day... never look back on these things. You know you can run the run, and it’ll be much better next time out.
Don’t feel too deflated these things happen, you’ll bounce back, next run will be a totally different story. Why not have an early night and an early morning run if it’s possible. 👍 chin up you’re. C25k Graduate so you know your more than capable of running more than 17mins normally.
don't worry!! I'm in the middle of juju's plan and today on my planned 5k run a stitch attached me and I had to walk for nearly half a km!!
its okay - we all have runs where things are trickier.
Don’t be deflated, we all have runs like that, and they are just tough runs or shorter runs but they are runs
I bet the next one will be more enjoyable