Well, it's nearly a month since I graduated and I am a little quicker , but still struggling to jog for much more than 30 mins .A wee bit soul destroying, any advice. I am in my 60s with a chronic illness, is this why or am I just using that as,an excuse lol !
Can't get past 30 mins ! : Well, it's nearly a... - Couch to 5K
Can't get past 30 mins !

I graduated 6 weeks ago and have done over 30 mins twice. Just keep going. Theres no pressure 😊

Sounds like an excuse and this could well be a mental problem or you're going too fast. These things can easily become mental barriers ... which are then hard to overcome.
Try this:
(1) watch >> youtube.com/results?search_...
(2) extend your 30 mins to 31 for just one of your runs per .
(3) then extend to 32, once a week.
keep going like that and you'll be fine.
Really, that's a bit harsh , well in my opinion! So far this site has been supportive , As is often said , and my mantra , 'be kind ' .
I don't mean to sound harsh (that's not me) .... but to quote you "or am I just using that as an excuse lol !"
You've answered your own question The idea was already in your head and in PRINT
Like I suggested, slow down a bit and extend 1 run in the week by literally 60 seconds and go from there - a gentle way to increase your confidence
Good luck and take care
I watched the niko niko running a time ago , please don't assume I haven't looked into psychological reasons why thus is a challenge. I was hoping for support! We are coming at this from different angles so , I will look again at the YouTube clips , but i think advice from older runners with a disability may be a better option. You take care too !
Understood - I'm not disabled, so I don't have a full appreciation of your physical limitations. Why do *you* think you can't get past 30m:00 ? What goes on in your head when you reach 30m:00 ? From your post, you've made it clear that you'd like to go beyond 30, so what do you think is stopping you? Is it physical or mental?
I'm simply trying to understand the problem, so that I/we can help you.
Hmmmm, I would like to beat the feeling of exhaustion there is when I have tried to run for longer .I have looked at hydration and I believe I am hydrated enough. Perhaps I just need to increase the time running by a couple of minutes as you suggest. I call the fatigue days walking through treacle days which are really common in auto immune diseases .I don't know who can help, but I would love tips on increasing stamina and eventually distance .I am still doing 3 jogging sessions a week for 30 mins and I walk , briskly on the other days and a little yoga to help my flexibility. I have no idea if this is helpful. There you go , a resume of where I'm at ! We got off on the wrong foot i think !
You're doing all the right things from the sounds of it. I'm convinced from what you describe that this is simply a mental block.
Your stamina has been built up from W1R1 to the point where you can now go 30 mins, 3 times a week. There's absolutely no reason at all, why you can't extend one of your weekly runs to 31m:00 - none whatsoever.
The whole principal of the C25K program is that it's progressive - it builds your stamina up gradually. You build the stamina by pushing a little beyond what you're used to, getting comfortable with that level and then pushing a bit more. any progressive exercise program is the same.
So, try thinking about your current level, 30 minutes, as your new 'couch', ground-zero if you like. You build from there.
Your next week of running should look like: 30 mins, 30 mins, 31 mins. Week after that: 30, 30, 32.
Or if you're feeling brave, start with: 31, 31, 31. Then, 32, 32, 32.
The choice is yours!
Your body is ready - you just need to convince yourself.
PS "I have no idea if this is helpful. " - it's ALL helpful.
Hi John. Having listened to your advice , I went out this morning and walked for 5 mins , briskly and then I've run for 33 mins .I was tired , but I got there in the end .I intend to do the same on Wednesday all being well .I just thought I'd let you know that I did listen to you!
Another option: healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

I think lots of people are happy to stick to 30min a few times a week, there's no need to go further unless you really want to. If you do, then it looks like there are lots of good tips on this forum about extending it by a small amount each week after graduation. But I think if I were you, I'd be looking back at week 1 and just enjoying the AMAZING progress you have made, particularly in the face of your illness. Inspiring!

Try having a short break mid run, maybe after 20 minutes, and see how long the second run can be, then get back to us. When i graduate this is roughly how i am going to get my running time up.

If you've managed to get a bit quicker, presumably you are doing a bit more distance in the 30 mins?
My suggestion (you know if it's doable or not) would be to aim for the same distance that you are doing now, but at a slower pace - so running for more time, but not necessarily running further.
You know you can do the distance because you're already doing it, so what you need to work on now is just running for longer. Presumably the effort required for running the same distance slower (and so running for longer) should be something akin to running the same distance in less time
Once you've got over the hurdle (mental or physical) of running for longer, you could maybe push yourself a bit harder to get back to your current speed.
This is all just a suggestion - only you know whether it is feasible for you or not