Couch to 5 k now completed I Had started developing knee pain in both knees in final 2 weeks when there was more running .My left knee was already weaker due to old injury so I accepted I’d have a few niggles but today my right knee has almost seized up.Very painful..Not run since Wednesday .Any thoughts ?😊
Comments on Knee Pain : Couch to 5 k now... - Couch to 5K
Comments on Knee Pain

Are you doing any post run stretches? There's a set for general post run and one for knees specifically.

Might be just the same thing that others get earlier on. Try ibuprofen 💊 and see how you go. If it persists, you may need a physio. You may need a gait analysis too.

I agree with Nowster, you could also check your shoes. Now you're running for longer, shoes can absorb some of the impact. I've noticed a big difference on my knees and ankle but I know it's because my shoes are old. I've been adding a couple of rest days in too so I can recover inbetween.
Thanks guys for your comments .I have new running shoes & yes I do post run stretches .I’m thinking my right leg generally is compensating for the weaker Left knee .The constant impact of road running isn’t doing too much good probably !

Try to minimise impact when running, by avoiding heelstrike, keeping footfall under your body, not out in front, slowing down, running on softer surfaces or treadmill.
If you look in the guide to the plan you will find links to recommended post run stretches and knee strengthening exercises and also information about hydration which can affect joint lubrication and cushioning.