Hello : Hello everyone I'm new here. I'm 4... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Wannabsewfit profile image
35 Replies

Hello everyone I'm new here. I'm 41, overweight, unfit, depressed and unmotivated. I decided that something has to change so here I am. Hoping to start week 1 tomorrow.

I actually used to run. Not quick by any standards but becoming a mother the last few years has seriously made my what little fitness disappear. A recent bout of Covid has worsened things so I'm hoping with c25k I'll learn how to do this again!

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Wannabsewfit profile image
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35 Replies
Couchphoenix profile image

Hello Wannabeswift, I started C25K at the beginning of this year and completed the programme and it’s one of the best and most positive things I’ve done in years, I’m 55 and I run 3 times a week now, which I never thought I’d do in a million years. I feel fitter and healthier than I ever have. It’s not easy when you start, if it was, everyone would be doing it, but it’s worth the effort and it lifts your mood so you’ll feel happier...stick with it and stay focused and you’ll be surprised how different and positive you’ll start to feel 👍

Also this forum will give you all the help and support you’ll need.

Speedy60 profile image

Welcome, you've come to the right place. Friendliest forum on the internet! Take all the advice that's offered and share your experiences. We help each other through. 👍

Tinytears60 profile image

Hey Lovely - You have been thru the wars - nasty bloody Covid!.... So pleased you are here!...

You used to run too... SO I'm presuming you know all about how it mentally challenges you!.. I didnt and i was so surprised by that!...

Love the honesty of your post!... BUT I couldn't run for toffee when i first came!.. not even a tiny 60 seconds..... and now I"m on week 8 and i definitely was not what you would describe as fit when i started!...

It's magic!

I'm going to follow you (if you don't mind) so i can support you through ... :-)

The running bug definitely get a grip of you!.. I've spent a small lottery win on gear including a beautiful pair of running shoes!..

The people on here are fab!... I call it our little running family!... I couldn't have done it without their support and we have such a giggle... I'm the Bridget Jones of the running forum ...there is always some drama on my runs :-)

Best of luck tomorrow - let us know how you get on

Ladyblazing profile image

When you’re down, the hardest thing is to make the effort to change things. So you’re already a step ahead! It’s no exaggeration to say this will change your life. It’s very well structured - always enough to keep pushing you. And the euphoria from achieving what you never thought possible each time is a gift in itself. You’ve come through a rough time - this will be easy in comparison. Keep posting - especially on the harder days. It’s a lovely community of folk. B

Learning_to_run profile image

Welcome and good luck...you’ve taken the first step! You will really enjoy the process...it is really achievable if you follow the programme. Even I -with no end of foot and now knee problems - think I’m going to get there...I’m on week 4 (did first run yesterday). You will find lots of support here are we’re all sending you lots of happy support and best wishes. Good luck and keep us updated with your progress

Hi! You’ve done the hard bit by making the decision to do something about it so well done you!! I was in exactly the same position as you (although I’m 11yrs older!) and now I’m on Week 8! You can do this. I’m going to follow you if you don’t mind and hopefully I can give you some encouragement along the way.

You’ve got this! 🏃🏻‍♀️👊

Fifitrixiebell73 profile image

Hi! And welcome to the forum 🙂

You can do this 💪🏃‍♀️

O505k profile image

Welcome, you have definitely made the right decision. I started this programme a few years ago, it is a great way to create me time. In that half an hour run you are not a mum, wife or employee just you and your music; great for mental health.

Be kind to yourself, allow yourself to repeat weeks if you need to there is no rush. The habit you will form of running 3 times a week is more important than the distance you run.

Good luck, I’m sure you’ll love it.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on your decision.

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

Overweightandunfit profile image

Welcome, I’m way older and also overweight and was unfit. I am now on week 8 and feel so much better for it, I can’t believe I can run for 28 minutes now - you’ve got this and we are all behind you.

Smile23 profile image

Well done you. Its taken me years to make a start and do something about being overweight and unfit. 2 weeks in and i am managing. Never thought i would. Always found i had a reason not to do it. If i can do it there is hope for everyone. Good luck x

Hareshaw-Granny profile image

All of the above and yes, you’re certainly in the right place. Good luck for the future.

TotalNewbie1 profile image

You can do this! I started as I was seriously unfit, and overweight. I was afraid of getting Covid and not being able to fight it off. Downloaded the podcast with sheer dread. I couldn’t run for a minute but knew I had to keep going. I have never been fit, and have always hated exercise. With a serious talk to myself each time I dragged myself out about how I needed to get fit I managed it.

If I can, anyone can. The feeling that you get after each run, if only for the minute run is worth it. I would focus on that feeling to keep me going and to get me going. I still focus on how good I feel about myself when I do it. There will be a spring in your step and your mood will be lifted.

Good luck and you can do it!

SammiN3 profile image

Hi and good luck.

I am a busy mum and also suffer from depression.

I found the first few weeks such a mixture of emotions, so proud, felt incredible after a run but my good old negative brain kept trying to stop me from running. My biggest battle has been my motivation and pattern of negative thoughts- wrong time, wrong weather, can't be bothered...

It has taken me longer to get to week 6 but I have noticed a MASSIVE difference to my mental health, attitude towards myself and life in general on my run days.

You have made the right decision! I hope that you find it helps you as much as it has me. Above poster is exactly right, for those 30 minutes I have my music blasting, a friendly voice in my ear and I'm me again.

AnneAnne profile image

Hello! I also used to be a runner. I was 4 stone lighter, but when I started to gain weight and I gave up. I struggled with consistency and was constantly taking walking breaks and beating myself up about it.

I then had two kids, almost exactly two years apart, and loved the excuse to not exercise and to eat what I wanted. I always felt too fat to run, and thought that if I couldn’t do it when I was slimmer, I certainly couldn’t run now. I was self conscious too, at size 20 I didn’t want to be seen out in lycra!

I eventually had a word with myself and went out and did the first run of the couch to 5k. Any excuse to have half an hour to myself! I graduated today, it has crept up on me a bit as I’ve just plodded through the programme.

Well done on starting. You can do it. Just focus on putting one foot in front of the other when it gets tough and the rest is a bonus 😊

Islandmacmum profile image
IslandmacmumGraduate in reply to AnneAnne


Lifebeginsat profile image
LifebeginsatGraduate in reply to AnneAnne


Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate in reply to AnneAnne

congratulations!!!! Sounds like you've had a hard journey too. Keep at it!

AnneAnne profile image
AnneAnneGraduate in reply to Fionamags

I’ve actually found the discipline of following the programme has helped so much. Slow improvements and not expecting too much is perfect for me😊

AnneAnne profile image
AnneAnneGraduate in reply to AnneAnne

p.s. thank you!

TeeJay66 profile image

I think it will really help you. I have found it very motivating and beneficial both physically and mentally. Being unfit and overweight will not be an obstacle, I was both when I started (still overweight now!) and it was fine. If you can just get enough motivation together to complete the first week, you will almost certainly succeed. Just believe in yourself, the program will do the rest.

I wish you all the best with it.

Lifebeginsat profile image

Hiya, well done you! The fact that you've made that decision is the most important bit. I started at 54, obese, and v low. I couldn't run for even 30 seconds for the first couple of runs. Spent 5 weeks on week one, building my confidence. It took me 18 weeks to get to graduation, but that's ok. I now run 3 times a week for at least 30 mins. I'm very slow, and have only just managed 4k. I still have to talk myself into running every time, and it's not until halfway through that I settle into it- but because I know that that happens I just keep going until I do. So I guess my advice is take your time. Learn to run slow. Move to the next week when you are ready. Make it a habit that you don't even question. And share your pain and success on here. I like to think everytime I run, I have this whole crew cheering me on. Because they are. And we are Cheering you on. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to Lifebeginsat

Awesome post!.... How well have you done!.... It's hard isn't it ....

I feel inspired reading it.. I"m on week 8 and i couldn't run on week 1 for more than 20 seconds!.... I have been bitten by the running bug and i love it!...

I love to hear of people succeeding.. I know the effort and application it takes and I applaud each and every one of us!


Whippetywhip profile image

What's so brilliant about the programme is that of you do NOTHING else productive on a run day , you have achieved something tangible. That's amazing for your sense of achievement and self-worth. Good luck and let yourself enjoy it (i.e. don't push yourself in terms of speed, just keep putting one foot in front of the other).

Thorpedo profile image

Welcome! You’re on you’re way just by joining. I’m 66 and carrying 9 COVID iso eating kgs but am now on week 4. By taking it easy, at your own pace, the program will get you there. You will be surprised and the endorphins are a great reward. Good luck!

Fionamags profile image

congratulations for making the most brilliant decision! You have also just joined the most amazing and supportive community. Keep posting so we can cheer you on. Good luck!!!

Dobbydoodah profile image

Congratulations for making that first step, be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up if there are times that you just cant get out there. You will benefit from this program, it works! good luck, I get loads of inspiration from this group and I am sure you will too.

Dtay1978 profile image

There is no reason anyone cannot do this program, just take care of yourself by hydrating plenty, warming up and down in the right way and take it nice and easy when you start to run and you’ll be absolutely fine.

This place is full of people that have been at the starting line and felt it daunting but you’ve absolutely nothing to fear, this program is specifically designed for people who have done little to no frequent exercise recently.

We all have faith in you. Happy running 😊

Scundered profile image

Great decision! I'm obese, 65 next week and can honestly say it's the best physical and mental health decision I've taken in years. I start W8R1 tomorrow morning. This is such a supportive community with so many stories where people of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds have come through; you will too ! Keep us posted and we'll help if we can! We're all with you. Peter.

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to Scundered

Week 8 Peter! Me too!

Well done to you!.. That's a great effort from us both!

I ran today in that 50 mph wind!.. nuts!... but i had already gone out so at least had to have a go!....

Good luck with yours tomorrow- hopefully the wind will die down a little and be kind to you


Scundered profile image
ScunderedGraduate in reply to Tinytears60

Thanks a lot. I hope we'll be graduating at the same time, if my left knee behaves itself. Well done in getting so far. Only two weeks to go! Can hardly believe it! Peter.

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to Scundered

It’s magical isn’t it?... how it can take me who couldn’t run week 1... to now running week 8!... takes something to get your head round it!

Graduation buddies 🏃🏽‍♀️ 🎓

Best of luck for tomorrow but I know you will smash it 👍

Gracie269 profile image

Go for it. You have my admiration for considering it - well done! Positive mental attitude! Good luck and don’t be hard on yourself - just get out there!

msmuffintop profile image

Congratulations on starting again! I hope you stick with it. Some advice someone gave me that helped is don't feel like you have to move on to the next workout if you don't feel ready, just keep repeating the first one. After a while you'll really love how good you feel. My partner's mom asked me why I run if it isn't fun for me and doesn't feel that great and I said "Because NOTHING beats how great I feel in the shower afterwards" lol.

Squiddlywoos profile image

Good luck on your running journey...I got to the grand age of 60, overweight and unfit having never run before, but this programme actually works....had a few false starts where I had to go back, but am now running 5k three times a week, albeit slow (think weeble cross hobbit - will never be an athlete!!) but the satisfaction of achieving something I would absolutely never have imagined doing a year ago is immense. Go for it!!

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