Today is run day, I’ve been at work and just finished, I normally run in the mornings but it’s just started raining and I’m in need of motivation! Lol 😂
Run day!: Today is run day, I’ve been at work... - Couch to 5K
Run day!

Felt exactly the same! Then got up and Once through the gate was fine..not raining here though. Did 3kms. Cmon you can do it!

It’s hammering down at the mo I’m wondering if we are gonna have a thunderstorm
A few people have ran in a thunderstorm but it's not advisable, perhaps even a little dangerous, however, if you are caught in one while running a 10K or a longer distance I suppose you would just keep running, I was once caught in a thunderstorm on my way back home from a 50 kilometers bike ride, I was drenched but just kept going, I cycled right through the storm but within about 5K's from my home the sun came out, when I got home the storm had missed there altogether, I looked back where I had been, there was this big black thunder cloud, wow I thought, I have just cycled through that, I immediately changed into dry clothes.
I find it really hard to just get out, but once I'm doing it, it's okay...
Up to you re running in the rain... other than that it's about just doing it..... let us know how it goes....

Well I went out and done it lol