I’m sat in my running gear ready to go and do week 6 run 3 and I just can’t get myself to get out the door and do it! I know I’ll feel amazing once I’ve done it but I’m struggling to get the motivation to get out the door. What do you all do when you’re feeling like this? I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and I don’t want to slow down now - so close to the end!
Best way to motivate yourself before a run? - Couch to 5K
Best way to motivate yourself before a run?

I would listen to your run playlist or podcast for a bit, that tends to help me! You might find that once you hit that run button when you get out the door, you'll instantly feel a lot better and ready.

WHY don't you want to officially become a runner?, if you don't run, run 3 of week 6 it will be a pity as you have come this far, take a deep breath, get your favourite music on and get that run completed.
Once you have completed it you will be very proud of yourself your coach will tell you that you are now OFFICIALLY a RUNNER, good luck.

I generally take a few minutes to meditate before I go outside... I like to be all relaxed. I have unhelpful quirks too like which shoe I lace up first, but we will leave that out of here 🤣. I agree with parkersruns above, music can help a lot... many elite athletes use it... maybe a certain uplifting song that means “get off your butt and go” would help here a lot.
Of course, some days a lot of this goes out of the window and I get to the point where I just drag my butt through the front door before it’s too late 🤣

I've just done week 6 run 3 and it was my favourite so far - it's the best feeling once you've done it! I also think - I never regret a run, but I'd regret not going for one. Don't overthink it, just open that front door and do it - it'll be worth it. Good luck!
Hi,I’m on week six run 3 today also.I keep putting it off but it will get done today. Think how we’ll feel tonight.

Well done! You've come this far and so already given reasons to do it, and there are other benefits, you must think positively. don't overthink it, just do it!

I enjoy my runs but when the weather isn't great I don't feel like going out. I force myself to do 5 minutes of dynamic stretches and a bit of marching on the spot, and that usually gets me out of the door, when I feel warmed up a bit. Always feel much better after I've done it
honestly just think how you’ll feel after, I’m just back from my week 6 run 3, it rained the whole time, it was really refreshing and I kept getting waves of happiness from all the endorphins and a great sense of achievement, you’ve got this, go for it!!
I did it!! Thank you everyone! Was my best run so far 😂 loves running in the rain even if it meant I was running with a pond in each of my trainers!! So close to the end I’m so excited!! 🥰

I know if I don’t run I’ll beat myself up about it for the rest of the day so I just go