Hi I just need some advice. I've just started couch to 5k and have never run in my life but I'm so unfit I need to do something. I have one more run to do and I have completed week 1 which I feel quite proud of myself the only problem is the top of my ankle joints hurt (across the top of my lower leg) if that makes sense. I just wondered if this normal for a beginner and should I just run through it as it doesn't hurt when I run. Any help would be appreciated.
Pain in ankle joint : Hi I just need some advice... - Couch to 5K
Pain in ankle joint

I have developed a similar pain, just above my right ankle. My ankles, and knees have been hurting (arthritis) all the way through, but never this particular pain. It's stopped me the day after run 3, Week 8. Am taking 2 days off, but pain is quite bad, and it's telling me not to run, until a. I get some proper shoes (motion control for flat feet), b. I should lose a bit of weight, but that also happens when you excercise. The pain is above my right ankle and feels very tender and bruised. Ankle swells towards end of the day. I will probably see a doctor if it gets worse. But I'm not running until pain better, so resting. Do you have flat feet? It may be worth researching on google - 'runsociety', 'runners world', but I think caution best under the circumstances.

It could be a number of things but I'd start with your shoes. A decent pair of running shoes is quite an outlay when you're just starting out, but you should be wearing something reasonably supportive, not a pair of fashion trainers or a pair that are so old they've had the stuffing knocked out of them. They should be on the large side, rather than small, and make sure you don't tie them too tightly.
Next look at your stride. Don't reach out in front of you and 'grab' the road. Keep your feet under your body, land midfoot, roll through and take off from the ball of your foot. It sounds like a lot to remember, but eventually it becomes natural.
There are lots of ankle and foot exercises out there. I use resistance bands, but you can do heel rises and all sorts of other things. While you're sitting down in the evening, try raising your leg out in front of you, from the ankle, draw the alphabet in the air, imagining your big toe is a pencil. It keeps everything loosened up.
Take an extra rest day and use ibuprofen gel if the pain gets worse, but don't run through pain, you will do yourself a proper injury.
It takes time for your body to adapt to the new stresses you're putting on it, but if you take it steady, you will get there. Good luck! 👍