Four days before my 70th birthday. Only 3.37 km but a week later ran 4.5 in 40 minutes, now my knee is giving me trouble, just about ok now, so will start on the exercise bike and then hopefully back to running. As you all say it’s the running not the distance that matters, I’ve found this forum a great source of encouragement and advice, so thanks everyone 👍
Week 9 run 3 completed 4th May : Four days... - Couch to 5K
Week 9 run 3 completed 4th May

Wow jethangar that's brilliant! You need to go claim your graduate badge - you've earned it. You're not far off the 5k now! Sounds like you're taking a break to nurse the knee - which sounds a good plan. I agree about this forum - amazing bunch of supportive people!

Congratulations on your graduation, fellow runner.
This guide to post C25k running may be helpful
Keep running, keep smiling

Congratulations on graduating from C25K on the 4th May, glad to know that your knee is getting better, if you wish to get your graduation badge and the word GRADUATE 🎓 next to your username leave a message on the May graduate post in the pinned posts on the right side of the healthunlocked C25K home page and tell the administrators that you have ran W9R3 of C25K and graduated 🎓 🏃🏾