A brief history of time: well, I'm back. Slower... - Couch to 5K

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A brief history of time

RunningMigster profile image
66 Replies

well, I'm back. Slower, fatter and way, way too many bottle of wine later. So what happened?

A brief history in time!

Oct 17 2019 - started C25k..... Dec 21st 2019 - Graduated C25k.... Feb 29th 2020 - my last run before tonight.....

May 18th 2020 - a very slow 20 minute run.

In between Feb and now, I've had 2 bouts of sickness, one that kept me off work for 3 days. Its very rare I get sick and having time off work is unheard of.

I've had an awesome holiday in New York with my wife and daughter. Thank goodness we went when we did and got to spend time with my step daughter and my amazing grandkids.

Then then along came covid, and working what felt like 24/7 with a team of people, planning and implementing changes that would see around 10k people, across 5 continents move from working in a contact centre, to working from home, over around 6 weeks.

All of this meant running had to take a back seat. And I won't lie, seeing the amount of people on the street, running, cycling and dog working, meant i've delayed starting again by at least a week.

But I'm back. I aimed to try 20 minutes. I did it. Very slow. But its a start. And I reintroduced myself to Brian. For those who missed my C25k journey, Brian was my nemesis. A long steep hill that tried to break me on every run through the program. It brought back lots of memories as I took my slow run down, knowing I was going to have to make my way back up.

So... tomorrow my legs will hurt. I'll struggle to walk... but Wednesday, I'll be out there again

I'm back


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RunningMigster profile image
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66 Replies


So glad you are back. That really is lovely to read. Your 20 minute outing will provide a good base for you now. Along with your runs you will also provide so many people with hope and inspiration on here too. Welcome back. Glad you and the family are well. Good luck on the next part of your running adventure.

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to

Thanks for that. Never, ever thought I'd say this, but I missed running. Really helps that my wife is really encouraging too!

Nice, steady return to 5k and then I'll start my 10k journey again.

in reply to RunningMigster

We'll be right behind you!

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to

this is the best virtual gang of people ever!

apatsyf profile image

Good to hear you are still around! I was worried... ... Brian will have missed you, so just make sure you make time to visit him every few days, whatever comes your way. It's been a b..... desperate couple of months (personally and nationally) but hopefully can't get worse and the running helps. Glad to see you back! 🤗🙏👍🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💃

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to apatsyf

I think I heard a cheeky chuckle from Brian.

No doubt he'll look forward to the challenge of trying to beat me again.

Lots of new faces on here, which is really good to see.

Its good to get back with the gang :-)


Roxdog profile image

Welcome back! I'd wondered where you'd got too! Well done on your return and a 20 minute run is a great start!

I know what you mean about work getting in the way - am working fulltime from home and my work is pretty intense at the moment dealing with plans to reorganize everything due to covid. So much so that today I've walked twice into the garden and back and that's the only times I've moved!

Nice that you're back!

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Roxdog

I wont lie, i'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning 😂😪

Fionamags profile image

Welcome back and amazing that you did 20 mins after that long break. But you've still taken time out of your manic work life to support folk on the forum so that is lovely. Our turn to cheer you on back up Brian an on to 10k!!!

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Fionamags

I was worried it might turn into a practice run.

But it was OK. Just much slower than I'm used to. But, I'll be back to normal soon I'm sure :-)

Smelliepoo profile image

Well done migs! Glad you are back and well. Must say I have taken a break from the forum for a bit, but still going out running, have to keep fighting my own Brian!! You will be fine, you can do this! 🎉🎉

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Smelliepoo

Haha... and i bet you're winning that fight too!

Yeah, this running lark, too good to stop :-)

Smelliepoo profile image
SmelliepooGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

Yup, can't stop... As long as it doesn't hurt too much! The 10k last week got a bit painful at the end, have had a good rest and short runs to keep me going!)

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Smelliepoo

10k... well impressed.

I've got some making up to do 🏃‍♂️😁

Smelliepoo profile image
SmelliepooGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

In your own time mate! 😊 It hurts if you push it too hard!!

Brian-P6 profile image

Welcome back Mig (I'll do the cheeky chuckle too). I've conquored my Mig (hill) while you've been gone. When I was half way up it the last time ..... I said "Mig .... you hold no fear!" haha.

Must admit, half way through reading your post I thought you were going to say you'd had Covid!! :-O phewwww!

We'll all be cheering .......***Go Mig! Go Mig! Go Mig!***

Cheers buddy, good to see you back again.


RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Brian-P6

You rock! :-)

I've missed you guys.

Good going on conquering mig. Knew you could do it. You're still storming along. Absolutely no stopping you!

DeterminedSilver profile image

Ahh glad your back Mig ! And that’s the main thing - can’t always control every aspect of our lives . So pleased you enjoyed New York with those you love - a boost in itself .

That’s good 20mins after a break - mine started at ten - got back quickly but still not as easy as it was .

Like you it’s probably too many scones and some alcohol !

Lockdown taken its toll on everyone - here’s to a better future and Happy Running up and down Brian 🤣 🏃‍♂️

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to DeterminedSilver

So good to be back!

I was hoping to be at 10k by my 50th at the end of July. Can't see that happening now.

But I might just delay my 50th instead 😂.

Here's to a bright future 🥂

IannodaTruffe profile image

Nice and steady and you will soon be back up to speed.........no rushing, now.

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

No rushing, I promise! Slow (very) and steady!

Scruff55 profile image

Well done for getting out there. It’s not an easy time and it’s so easy to sit on the couch. So well done. Onwards and upwards. Slow is good.

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Scruff55

I think this is half the problem I have now. Working from home, I spend all day sat on the couch. Its not doing me any good.

I'll get there, slow but sure :-)

Rigpig profile image

Great to see you back Mig, you are on the right track and will soon get up to speed :-)

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Rigpig

Rigpig.... Good to see you. Hope life is still treating you well.

Looking forward to getting out there on Weds.

Rigpig profile image

And tell Brian to FRO!

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Rigpig


Leosmit profile image

Sooooo delighted that you are back! You were one of my wee buddies at same stage C25K! You have been such a good support on the forum and I always loved reading your posts. So woohoo, so glad you’ve got time now to get back. And you were able to do a 20 minute run?!? That is fab! So, Mig, welcome back and keep it up!

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Leosmit

Thank you! So good to be back. Its easy to forget what an incredibly positive vib this forum has.

And the extra weight I've put on is an added incentive to keep going 🤣


Nymahchai profile image

Welcome back 👏👏. So lovely to hear that you have come out the other side and making time for yourself. That’s really important when you have such a pressured job so now you are back you are on a roll. Funnily enough I listened to a podcast yesterday and that was the message it gave to the audience- very timely. 20 minutes for a restart is impressive! Your wife is behind you too. It’s a strangely changed environment with lots of newly released folk out especially in the good weather. I can’t say I am enjoying it currently and have resorted to weekday very early runs. It’s nice to hear from cohorts and this great community. Yaaay 👍😁

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Nymahchai

honestly, its never been so busy on my normal route. Especially with the good weather. People everywhere 🤣.

I took a chance tonight because it looked like rain, which I think put a lot if people off going out.

But I may have to start setting the alarm a bit earlier and get out at the crack of dawn.

Which, to be fair, should be easy as I'm getting up later now that I don't have a half hour journey into work :-).

Nice to be back with all you good people:-)

Nymahchai profile image
NymahchaiGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

Enjoy “your” time out and give Brian some wellie 🤣👍. We missed you !

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Nymahchai

I have neglected 'me'. But all in a good cause. Time to work on that again

Dee_N profile image

Welcome back! Enjoyed reading your post 😊

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Dee_N

aww thank you. This is such a good forum, its great to be back

Dee_N profile image
Dee_NGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

Yeah it's ace 😊 look forward to seeing how you progress!

Dee_N profile image
Dee_NGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

Btw I'm jealous that you gave your hill a name! I want mine to have one too! I think I'll put it to the forum! 😏

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Dee_N

I was very honoured that one of my virtual friends on the forum, called Brian, named their hill 'Mig' :-)

Dee_N profile image
Dee_NGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

Ahhh so that's where Brian came from! I feel like my hill is female 😂 'Hillary' is the obvious choice in my mind haha

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Dee_N


:-) this is how the hill got its name lol

But, I guess it just always had that arrogant attitude of a male.

You have to get to know, understand and respect your hill... and make them respect you too!

Dee_N profile image
Dee_NGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

It's funny how you get a feeling for your hill's character. Mine annoyed me all throughout my first round of C25K a couple years ago! She's back for a vengeance 🙄 I look forward to reading the post.

BubsMum profile image

Welcome back, Mig. I’m so glad you are because I’m in a similar position to you except my lay off has been due to more laziness and cba resulting somewhat from depression. I am due to start back one day this week along with eating better. I shall follow your journey closely and hope you don’t mind if I become your remote running buddy. Good luck. Remembwr you have done the hardest bit now.

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to BubsMum

Thank you! Its good to be back.

So, the seed of desire to get going again is firmly in your head.

Spend tomorrow psyching yourself up for a run on Wednesday and then get those running shoes on, get out there and see what you can do.

I'll race you to see who posts first ;-)


OldSpeckledHen profile image

Oooh Brian sounds like a nasty piece of work! Glad you beat him!

Although you sound a bit sadistic (!) have you tried running up him first? The reward being the easy route down ?! Sorry 🙊🙊

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to OldSpeckledHen

Haha, it does sound sadistic doesn't it.

Have 2 options when I leave my house. Turn left and start an uphill run or turn right and start downhill.

The problem with the left turn, is that its a circular route with lots of busy roads to cross and too many people to dodge.

If I turn right, even though I finish on an up hill, and its a boring 2.5k one way and then turn around and come back, I only have 1 road to cross and there are a lot less people.

I have done the left turn more since graduation, but in the current climate, I really don't fancy it. So, its Brian all the way 🤣

Wenderwoo profile image

Yay! Good to see you Migster 😁 Well done on the 20 minute run, it’s more than I could do at the mo. I’ve not been out since mid March as having to shield. I’m looking forward to when I can start again, whenever that will be. Good to see you conquered Brian, and I hope we’ll see you and your great posts frequently again 👍😁

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Wenderwoo

Good to be back!

So sorry you can't get out there and run. And i guess the 'when' is a bit up in the air too.

Not sure I'm keen on the idea of summer running. Think it might have to be back to early starts for me

Speedy60 profile image

How wonderful to hear from you.

Just like old times!🥳

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Speedy60

Almost like I've never been away.

Although, my legs are certainly letting me know this morning, that I have 🤣

sTrongFuse profile image

Welcome back. I'd noticed you'd gone into hiding recently.

Keep booting Brian up the backside...

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to sTrongFuse

Once you've got the bug, you cant stay away for too long :-)

AliHC profile image

Welcome back RunningMigster 😎

Was lovely to read your post. Looking forward to reading more. x

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to AliHC

My legs today are not happy with me.

But, I'll be taking them out again tomorrow


AliHC profile image
AliHCGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

Hey 😎 Happy running again! X

Well done for getting back...This is is the first time I've actually got past just downloading the app. I've just completed my first run in WK4 and amazed I've made it this far..it's not pretty and it can get messy but I am enjoying the challenge ...not so much the clicky hips and dodgy ankle...funny I never got wrist and elbow pains repetitively lifting my wine glass 😆

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to

Good for you for sticking with it. I'm drastically reduced my alcohol consumption while I was going through C25k. The lockdown seems to have sent me the other way though 🤣🍷🍷🍷

Daisy-runner profile image

I have a loooooong incline that is my nemesis, I need to give that a name too now 😂 will conquer it one day. Well done for getting back out there and all your hard work in this strange time. Happy running

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Daisy-runner

You have to give it a name :-)

Then conquer it!

It will always respect you after that lol

Well done.


Joanney69 profile image

Good to see you back Mig ☺

Running 🏃 for 20 minutes after that long a break is pretty impressive, no matter how slow it is 🤣

How lovely to have had some family time before this new normal started.

And I'm glad to hear you're getting a better work/life balance - all the more important in these crazy 😜 times - I don't know what I'd do without running 🏃 ☺️ never thought I'd hear myself say that 😁

Happy running 🏃 ☺️

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Joanney69

Good to be back!

Though that 20 minutes was tough on my legs.

I should have run last night, but i needed an extra recovery day.

So I'll be out tonight. Another 20 :-)

I'm not going to push it though. Especially in this heat.

So good to see that we've had a lot of new graduates while I've been gone.

Hope you're doing good and enjoying the running


Joanney69 profile image
Joanney69Graduate in reply to RunningMigster

The heat is tough - I try to go out earlyish in the morning before it gets too hot. How I remember running in the cold ❄ and rain ☔ through the winter 😂

Good to see you listening to your body, an extra day rest & not pushing over 20 minutes sounds like a great plan 😊

Good to see lots of graduates coming through lockdown 🏃 ☺

Running 🏃 is keeping me sane - ish 😂 🤣 😜

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to Joanney69

The heat is a problem in more ways than one. Not fun to run in. But equally, when I was getting ready to run tonight, I looked out of the window and there were people everywhere. I'm not comfortable with that right now. So I've delayed until the morning!

SueAppleRun profile image

Oh welcome back and so good to know you are running

RunningMigster profile image
RunningMigsterGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

Thank you! It felt so good to get off my butt and get moving again.

It'll be a few weeks before I can restart my journey to 10k though :-(

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

Just go steady and enjoy what you do

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