Did my first run in a month. Started the plan and was into my second run on the second week when I did something to the outside of my left hip. Thought I’d better rest it. I’m in my 30’s so thinking it’s probably ligament. I’ve been cycling which is ok but walking it’s noticeable. Anyway, I started up again today on the second week this morning and actually felt good during the run but now feeling it again. I did the warm down walk and plenty of stretches. I think it might be IT band. I’m new to running so think I need my gait checked and probably better shoes. I’m very slim so perhaps need to build up leg muscle for support
Left Hip Issues: Did my first run in a month... - Couch to 5K
Left Hip Issues

The guide to the plan healthunlocked.com/couchto5... has advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.
I found my knees gave me trouble to start but now finished wk4 and everything has calmed down! Think it’s just your body moaning a bit!

I had a sore hip now and again when I first started running, and it can be hard to isolate where the weakness is coming from to cause it (and it is most often caused by a muscle weakness elsewhere). You’d need a physio to get to the bottom of it, which I appreciate it not possible right now. But, it cannot hurt to try a little strength work on your rest days. I haven’t had hip pain in ages, and I think it is because I have spent the last year working on my glute and hip strength. I am sure that if you Google “glute and hip exercises for runners” you will find some easy-to-do and effective home workouts! Wall squats, bridges and Bulgarian single leg squats are excellent for runners. Best of luck! 💪