Is 3 times enough?: Anyone doing this to also... - Couch to 5K

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Is 3 times enough?

GetFitHan profile image
11 Replies

Anyone doing this to also lose weight and did you find 3 runs a week enough I feel I should be running more but I'm only on week 1. Maybe getting ahead of myself.

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GetFitHan profile image
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11 Replies
Shwood profile image

Hi GetFitHan I have followed the programme and on non run days continue with my walks. The risk for me was injury or burn out. My advice is slow and steady progress is best.

Good luck, stay safe.

GetFitHan profile image
GetFitHan in reply to Shwood

Thank you.

John_W profile image

You *are* getting ahead of yourself.

Stick to the program as laid out. Your rest days are essential. 3 times a week is all that you need at this stage. You're a beginner and at the start of what is hopefully a long and enjoyable running journey ahead. Your body isn't used to running and needs rest days to recover. It's *very* easy to get injured at this stage. It will take 1-2 years of regular running for your body to become fully adapted to it.

The program is more about fitness than weight loss, but there's no doubt that it can act as a very successful 'gateway' to a healthier lifestyle and many have lost weight as result... but you shouldn't expect much in the 9 weeks.

Why? Because, roughly speaking, it takes about 1 mile of moderately paced running to burn only 100 calories.

So 5k (3.1 miles) burns only 300 calories.

Hope that helps,


GetFitHan profile image
GetFitHan in reply to John_W

Thank you for your advice and correcting my grammar error I always appreciate that.

I was just wondering because yes I am a beginner and I understand the need for rest days but 3 times a week does not seem like much 4 times with rest days feels more suitable to get my fitness up.

I know this kind of activity is to raise fitness I just wondered if people solely use it to lose weight and the benefits. I want to increase my fitness and lose weight would this be the best way?

Thank you.

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to GetFitHan

I wasn't aware I was correcting your grammar but you're welcome! :-)

There have been many who've come to C25K wanting primarily to lose weight . You're not the first and won't be the last.

I'll be clear: C25K is *NOT* a weight-loss exercise program. You might lose some weight, you may actually gain weight as your leg muscles develop. Genetics, diet, lifestyle, physiology, metabolism etc, will all be important factors, with diet probably being the most important one.

And right now, if you're a beginner runner, then the WORST thing you could do, is "running before you can walk" by doing too much.

By all means, do the 3 runs a week and then on the non-running days, look into doing other forms of calorie-burning exercise.

Consider, brisk walking (lots of it - 1-2hrs a day), weight-lifting, swimming, dance (zumba?) etc. There's lots of choice.

But running? You need to be VERY careful ... you're putting forces through your joints, bones, etc that aren't used to it. Take it from me ... I've had plenty of injuries in the 5 years since I started.

MarkyD profile image

The weight loss will come when you are running for 30 to 60 minutes, three times per week. That is several months away from now.

As others have said, each session of C25K in first few weeks will burn 200 calories. Eat a piece of toast when you get back from the run and you’ll undo all the good work.

If you want to lose weight, then running is not the best approach. HIIT is probably more suitable.

But C25K is not a quick fix thing. By learning to run progressively, and following the program, you are equipping yourself for a whole lifetime of exercise, and weight control.

One common report on this forum is that folks did not lose weight. However, many find that their bodies are more toned and trim, and they’ve gone down a dress-size. So it’s not all bad news.

To answer your question... 3 times per week is not enough to lose weight. But follow the program exactly, and find other, non-impact exercise to do on the ‘rest’ days. Try and think more about gaining fitness, and less about losing weight.

GetFitHan profile image
GetFitHan in reply to MarkyD

Thank you, I am actually looking to tone up and drop down just 1 dress size which seems perfect. I dont expect it over night and running it something I would want to continue as a lifestyle.

Is there anything you would recommend to do alongside this to help speed up my fitness, obviously I need rest days so something to do on same days I'm jogging.

MarkyD profile image
MarkyDGraduate in reply to GetFitHan

Cycling would be a great activity for your non-running rest days.

Speedy60 profile image

Firstly, three times a week is definitely enough. Your body needs time to adapt and get stronger, which it does between runs. If you don't take those breaks, you will put your body under stress and risk injuries.

Secondly, that doesn't mean do nothing on your rest days. Walking, weights, cycling, yoga. Try to stay off the sofa, but without doing anything high-impact.

Thirdly, there's a saying- you can't outrun a poor diet, and it's true. You would have to run for quite a sustained length of time to burn enough calories to make a significant difference to your weight. If weight loss is your goal, you really need to combine c25k with a healthy diet. That said, throw away your scales and start using a tape measure. I guarantee you will be more toned by the end of the programme.

Good luck!👍

GetFitHan profile image
GetFitHan in reply to Speedy60

Thank you, I am actually looking to tone up and drop down just 1 dress size which seems perfect. I dont expect it over night and running it something I would want to continue as a lifestyle. I also dont weigh myself anyway I go by dress size

Is there anything you would recommend to do alongside this to help speed up my fitness, obviously I need rest days so something to do on same days I'm jogging.

Speedy60 profile image
Speedy60Graduate in reply to GetFitHan

It's really difficult at the moment. In normal times I'm a big fan of swimming (oh, how I'm missing it). Now, I would say anything you can do is good enough as long as you're off your bum. Just going for the brisk walk, uphill if possible, is good.

Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube is great. Some folk like PE with Joe Wicks.

For toning up, resistance bands are better than weights if you're stuck for space. They're easier to buy and store and they're really effective for muscle toning. There are some great YouTube videos to follow.

The other thing I've dug out since lockdown is my weighted hula hoop. I'd forgotten how good it is for core stability and toning the waist. You can buy them on Amazon. When I first got mine, my hips were really bruised for about a week until I got the hang of it.

I've also dug a pond during lockdown; that was knackering if you need more ideas. 😉

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