Treadmill to outdoor Transition - You can do it!! - Couch to 5K

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Treadmill to outdoor Transition - You can do it!!

13 Replies

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share my experience, for anyone who has started the programme on a treadmill and is finding it difficult outside.

I started the couch to 5K mid January, running on a treadmill in the gym due to some mental health issues/general self confidence issues. I got to week 6 run 2 (over about 8-10 weeks as an estimate) on the treadmill, but realised once the gym closed i would either have to give up or run outside until lock down eased. It's the fittest and happiest I've been for 4.5 years, I was really worried i was going to lose the effects of my hard work.

I was really proud of myself for making it outside for my first outdoor run, but a combination of timing,weather effects (heat, wind, cold everything really), hay fever, asthma, anxiety, non flat terrain and other issues meant I failed miserably. I came home really disheartened and a bit gloomy at the prospect of not being able to complete the programme. I also felt like my previous feelings of accomplishment were fraudulent (i.e "of course you managed to get to week 6 in a nice air conditioned gym on a flat bouncy treadmill") I really gave myself a lot of grief and made it harder to get back out there.

I became unwell anyway, self isolated for a week and really just stopped any form of exercise for almost 3 weeks. I'd been used to exercising 4/5 times a week before lockdown so i fell into the pits. If what i had was Covid-19, I got away very lightly, but the coughing was driving me crazy and making it impossible to sleep.

As i was starting to feel better,I started to reflect on what i had achieved over the year, how grateful i was to be in a safe comfortable home and also in a position to help others, my family especially. I realised that to be able to support anyone else i needed to keep myself on top form, and this was all the motivation i apparently needed. I dreaded the thought of relapsing with my mental health conditions and having to pressure the NHS, and i dreaded the thought of not being able to support my loved ones in any time of need.

I decided to drop myself back a few weeks in the programme, which was a real kick in the gut, and ill admit that going out for my first run (Week 3 run 1) felt like I'd already failed. My chest was still recovering from being unwell and I was trying to get used to the steep hills around my house. I very nearly gave in, I got a huge stitch and felt like crying by the end of the run...but that feeling, when the app told me I had completed the run - it was the best feeling in the world. It made me feel like I could do it again, that if i just kept going, one foot in front of the other, I would get there. I would reach my goal - even stronger than before.

I realised that I had been my own worst enemy with my self deprecation, and how much that this was a mental as well as physical challenge. I would go as far as to say, I gained more self respect from overcoming this challenge.

I just finished week 4 run 2 this morning, I've refined my routine pre run - an early morning, antihistamine, couple of puffs on inhaler, drink of water and a warm up. I can feel my legs getting stronger every time i conquer a hill. I really feel like I can do this again, and can't wait until i can say that I've completed week 6 run 2 - I think this will be an even greater achievement than the end of the programme, because it will be a finish line of perseverance, a mark that I didn't give in, when i could have given myself all kinds of excuses not to finish (legitimate, but still excuses).

What's the point of my rambling, self gratifying story?

I've realised the mental roadblocks are harder than your actual fitness levels. I just want to reassure anybody thinking they can't do can, you have to keep telling yourself you can, you have to really believe it. It is so difficult, but to anybody conquering the couch to 5k and beyond, I'm so proud of you. I've never met you, but that determination is something that everyone should be proud of. I don't believe that some people have it as a personality trait and others don't, its a painstaking learning process and you build your emotional resilience every day.

This is the least 'crazy' and the most free I have felt my whole life and the least amount of medication I have been on for well over 5 years too.It is also the most consistently happy I have ever been. My emotions aren't quite the roller coaster they usually are. This isn't all down to running, but it sure as hell is fuelling the consistency, I can only hope it is doing the same for you.

Lots of love


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13 Replies
2718281 profile image

Great post Chlo, I completely agree with you, the benefits of running on selfconfidence for me have been much greater than the physical benefits. I also started on a treadmill, because it was easier on my knees but also I was very worried about running outside... I finally joined a couple of park runs and a 10k race this year, but i still did most of my runs on the treadmill until the lockdown started... I don't think I will come back (unless it's really cold or rainy, I'm not good with that)

When this lockdown ends, you need to try a park run, you will find a wonderful and supportive community and completing your first park run (doesn't matter if walking or running) will be another great milestone.

in reply to 2718281

That's really inspiring to hear, thanks so much. Its lovely to read that you've felt the benefits on yourself confidence too - a 10K race is fantastic, that's got to be such a huge mental challenge.

I don't think I'll go back to the treadmill either, and it wasn't too long ago i never thought i'd run outside. Parkrun is a great idea, I'm sure I will love it. Something to look forward too in not so great times.

Omg that is so amazing and inspiring and has motivated me even more. I admit I cried reading this but because so much of it hit home. You can do it I can do it everyone can do whatever they set their mind to it’s just remembering why we set out to do it in the first place. Can’t wait for your w6r2 update 🙌🙌🙌💪💪❤️

in reply to

Oh Poppie,I'm sorry it brought a tear, but I'm so glad you found it helpful - we've got to be there for each other - were all facing different challenges with the same goal, and this journey is about so much, not just about running. We can keep cheering each other on, we can do it. Everybody has that inner voice that fills you with doubt, and places like this forum are so good for sounding your thoughts out and getting someone else perspective, so your own thoughts don't consume you. Stay in touch with people - we're all rooting for you xx

Oh my God, honestly I think week 6 is cursed haha But I did it!!

My first attempt at week 6 run 3 and I turned a corner after 10 minutes and tripped over some uneven paving. Went flying!! Banged my knee scuffed my hands. Devastated. I hobbled home and had a winge. Kept my chin up though, and I breezed through it the next day. I'm so proud of myself. Am I officially a runner now?? It feels like it!

Week 7 run 1 here I come. I am absolutely over the moon. Hope everyone is doing great on the programme, there are so many things being thrown at us all to knock us off course but we are doing great xx

Spain5k profile image

Good to read this. Well done to you for running through your difficulties. Hope I have the strength of mind to get to W9!

in reply to Spain5k

Thanks so much ❤️ If you've been strong enough to get to week 4 I know you will make it to week 9, well done to you for your determination and perseverance x

SamanthaM87 profile image

This is absolutely amazing and inspiring well done you for conquering a number of battles and not just taking them on, but starting to win them! Xxx

in reply to SamanthaM87

Thanks a lot Samantha.❤️Ive just read your latest post, I'm so sorry to hear about your son, that's a huge mental obstacle you've overcome today, good on you, you deserve a medal as big as a frying pan for keeping going I hope you are feeling proud of yourself xx

SamanthaM87 profile image
SamanthaM87Graduate in reply to

Aww thank you that means a lot xxx

LadyCDJ profile image

I’m so glad to read this Iv done all my running at home so far because I could nt face going outside. No confidence and thought people might laugh. I’m on week 6 inside but am going to do what you did with my daughter when we can meet( I’m in wales still on full lockdown) . I still feel good with all the exercise even if I’m inside. Thank u so much for this post take care and be proud of yourself x

in reply to LadyCDJ

Thanks for that ladyCDJ, you should be proud of yourself too. That's so great to hear that your looking to try running outside, it was a big mental step for me and it sounds like it will be for you too, but all of the hard work you have done at home will really pay off, you did the hardest thing by sticking with the plan in the first place I think. You will grow to love running outside its a really lovely experience, even with its ups and downs.

I was worried about all sorts when I had to start running off the treadmill, but to be honest after the first couple of runs it' melts away, you find a route that's comfortable for you, and a time where its not so busy(I like running early in the morning when people are asleep still lol) I still get the odd doubt but you are so focused on the run usually that your head does not register much around, and great tunes always help.

You're doing this for you, no one else, so don't let anyone else get in the way - you deserve to be happy and running outside definately does that. Best of luck, let me know how things go :) xxxx

LadyCDJ profile image
LadyCDJGraduate in reply to

Thanks so much for your reply. Il let you know how I get on . Xx take care

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