Good grief I can’t believe it! I have actually managed to do this with all the health things stacked against it, with my lack of liking for running, three major storms and a global pandemic. I definitely couldn’t have done it without the couch to 5 k program and posts here.
So, I have no idea what consolidation runs are but I understand that that is next?
I’ve still no goal or plans - I didn’t even start couch to 5 k with a goal of finishing it. My chronic pain has taught me there’s no value in setting a goal, even if it’s just meet a friend tomorrow- it may just not happen.
So I have no real idea what to do with this running. Have to say park run isn’t attractive to me, maybe one day when we are all allowed out properly I will try a marked trail run through the Cannock Chase forest.
What I’ve learnt is - the programme works! Even when I have started a week with ‘surely they don’t expect me to to this?’ Yeah, they do and actually you can