Any recommendations for a good pair of trainers on a budget. Thanks
Footwear!: Any recommendations for a good pair... - Couch to 5K

I recently got a pair of Nu Balance for around £50 and found them more comfy than other more expensive shoes I tried on by asics and nike etc.
Thank you I will take a look
I have a pair of Karrimor running shoes & they are the most comfortable trainers I have ever had got them on sale for only £37.Total bargain..Only problem is it's much better to try trainers on & not ideal ordering on line under the circumstances.. Good Luck ....

That's the most important part of your gear. It's not the price, it's what fits perfectly. You can find top gear at low prices (*top = fits) but you'd need to visit gait analysis shops. When l started l bought cheap, cheap hurt my knee and then ankle. I was out for nearly 5 months (combined). Finally l walked out with a pair of perfect shoes at £90, and haven't had a shoe related injury in nearly 4 years.
Thank you. yeah I totally understand the importance my knees are starting to feel it and a dont want to cause any damage. I think I am definitely going to take your advice you are so right, and I will invest and get some with a custom fit and as soon as lockdown is over(unless shops open now?? I haven't checked) so I was thinking in the meantime picking up online something with good cushioning and support. looking online makes it difficult to judge! I really appreciate your advice. 🙏

This might help
Any body else's favourite shoe may be totally inappropriate for you.
Thank you for taking the time to reply and I will read the link that you sent.I think I am definitely going to take your advice on board. I will invest and get some with a custom fit and as soon as lockdown is over(unless shops open now?? I haven't checked) so I was thinking in the meantime picking up online something with good cushioning and support. looking online makes it difficult to judge! I really appreciate your advice. 🙏
Good trainers save you a future of pain and doctors appointments

Sports Direct are ok, I bought some Nikes for £40 which are quite comfortable

Have a look at sale section. They have all price ranges from £50 reduced to £20, to £150 reduced to £60 (not that I'm looking 🤥). 👍
Lol thanks for the heads up 👍I will take a look x
It's very difficult at the moment and I hear what everyone is saying about gait analysis. It really depends how bad you feel your current trainers are.
Always go for a size up on your normal shoe.
Good luck 👍
Thanks. I have done a wet gait test as recommended and it shows a have a normal arch which although no accurate it gave me an indication so I can relax on the trainers I get. My current trainers are worn and loosing grip. At the moment I'm also doing most of my running through fields and woodland would i be better getting trail trainers? Minefield lol!! Definitely take your advice and go a size up👍 thank you 🙏

I run on tarmac mostly, some footpaths and have bought road shoes. I'm no expert in this area, but I'd suggest light trails? Someone else will definitely know more than me.