Bit of a shock when I was told id be running 5 minute stretches... could I do it ? Damn right I could, I was warned that this running milarky was addictive, must have looked a right Pratt when id done the run, and I punched the air, damn, never feels so good... bring it on
W4R1: Bit of a shock when I was told id be... - Couch to 5K

Keep it up! Enjoy it all the way 😉
It’s such an amazing feeling when you accomplish something you didn’t think you could do.... need to celebrate small wins 🥳 (I do a little happy dance at the end)
I’ve got my week 4 1 st run tomorrow looking forward to it , I think lol
Slow and steady , you've done 3 mins, 5 isn't that much more.. just keep thinking, fitter and stronger every run you do...
It is slow and steady lol
And how did you get on ?
I'm 61,never run in my life, so it's quite an education, lol...
It was a big step up from week 3 but I did it lower legs were screaming though run again tomorrow
Well done you, sense of achievement? I've done the second one, its know what to expect
Yeah it was a sense of achievement not sure it’s easier for the next one ,just hope the weather behaves
Run 2 just finished that was hard work but I had been at work all day so happy enough
I'm due to start week 5 tomorrow, wished I'd not looked at the set up... by run 3, running 20 mins! Just focus on the run tomorrow, deal with that when it comes
You’ve got this ,you’ve already run 16 mins in this last week
Aye, with breathers in between... not in one fell swoop...W5R1 tomorrow
Good luck I’m only one run behind you
Keep it up.. will let you know what this week brings
Yes please do I’ll wait with bated breath I know it ramps up next week
Well, with battling the strong headland winds, I didn't think I'd do it. So glad the wind was behind me on the last run, which I did find hard... but i did it...legs ache mind....
Great stuff onwards and upwards mine tomorrow I’ll keep you updated
Starting the run, I was unsure. After all 8 mins is a bit of a step up.. do you know, it was ok, and once I'd done the first 8 mins, I figured , as I'd done it once, I could do it again, yes, legs ached, but breathing was ok... it's all in the mind, so on that thought, bring on tomorrow's 20 min run, according to my fit bit I did a 20 min run today anyway....

This is my next run tomorrow.
I’m fairly confident that I can do 5 minutes at a stretch but your post is helpful as a model of excellence 😁
I'm beginning to realise it's my mind that's telling me I can't do it, keep with the programme and the body adjusts... the health benifits are already starting to show for me. My walking heart rate has gone fro 97 down to 85 .... getting fitter!
You’ll kill it mate go for it