Couch to 5k tips, advice and maybe some uplift... - Couch to 5K

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Couch to 5k tips, advice and maybe some uplifting?

Sarah99948 profile image
20 Replies

Hi all,

Today was the day that I started my 5k journey. I finished the run feeling beaten and quite embarrassed!

I was unable to push through the last 2 runs of the podcast and just brisk walked it for the remainder.

I was hoping to finish feeling great and refreshed but I felt physically exhausted and mentally beaten. I haven't participated in exercise for at least 2 years, but I had no idea that I had let myself go THAT much I had always been sporty growing up and I'm only bloody 22.

I guess I'm just here to express my shock, I'm actually dreading my next run (had to laugh at typing that bit, but it's true).

I just wondered if there's anyone who struggled with their first run, if anyone has any advice for motivation or couch to 5k in general.

I'm seriously considering maybe just having a few weeks brisk walking before attempting running again.

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Sarah99948 profile image
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20 Replies
nif100 profile image

I am totally with you on the brisk walking bit. I did that for 2 months before taking on C25K so it gave me a base to start with. I didn't look at distance but just walked for time, gradually increasing the time when I felt comfortable, especially if you like me had not done anything for awhile. To be honest my first walk got me realising how bad my fitness was, let alone trying to jog...think you would have found me in a ditch if I had tried that....have fun you will do this but more likely to complete it when you feel better to tackle the next stage....good luckXX

grumpyoldgirl profile image

First of all, well done for starting, that is the hardest part, and you have just done the hardest run. So many people struggled with their first run, including me! I saw that 1 minute run, and thought, hah, everyone can run for one minute. Yeah right. So don't worry, it's common, if you have to walk a bit that's fine. Just stay on this run until you can actually run all the runny bits before moving on to week 2. And the simplest and best advice you will get and you should really listen to, is if you're finding it tough, slow down. Even if you are running slower than you could walk it. You might think you couldn't go slower. Well you can always go slower, believe me. Think 🐌🐌🐌

Powerhoopfan profile image

You may have been going too fast, try to slow down a bit. I’m on week 6 now and can’t believe I’ve come this far because one minute of running seemed so hard at the start. You will surprise yourself but if you try to run too fast you’ll find it much harder

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

and includes advice on pacing........SLOW DOWWWWWWWNNNNNN!!!!!

Everybody starts off too fast.

You can do this.

Enjoy your journey.

Sarah99948 profile image

Thanks all, for giving me some great advice and some laughs. I definitely will slow down and pace myself (I thought I was doing this....but will try slower!)

Roxdog profile image

Well done for starting! You are very young and I wonder of you had high expectations and set off too fast?

Take it nice and slow next time and I'm sure it will be a breeze!

Sarah99948 profile image

I definitely did have higher expectations and that knocked me for 6 afterwards 😂 thank you!

Jell6 profile image

If you'd seen me on my first run you would have been concerned.

It damn near killed me. 🥵

I thought you had to run🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️, it's really just a very, very slow running motion, your brisk walking pace may be faster, and that's okay.

Well done for starting, this is a life changing decision. These might help 🐌🐌🐌

Hymertrails profile image

Hi Nicolelindsayr I graduated the programme last Sunday and if I thought I would be running for 30 mins non stop when I started back in December I wouldn’t believe it. It’s a brilliant programme, it’s not easy but exercise never is when starting out. Don’t be embarrassed, everyone has to start somewhere, I have mostly run in the dark as I have been self conscious of being seen running but recently I’ve gone out in the daylight and you know what nobody has paid any notice to me!!!

Stick with it, slow down and even a crap session is better than no session!

Good luck and you’ll smash it eventually 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

AU510 profile image

Perhaps you've expected too much from yourself this run. I second what others have said: take it nice and slow and, if needs be, even slower!

You've got this - brisk walk if you feel you want to lay a foundation or start again, slowing it down on the bits that require running.

Wish you a very happy, satisfying and encouraging second Run. :)

UnfitNoMore profile image

Don’t worry, run one nearly killed me and I’m still here! When I ran a half marathon 15 months later I didn’t even have an ambulance on standby 🤣🤣

It’s tough... but you can do it. Great advice above and 99.9% of what you need to know is in the link from IannodaTruffe... the other bit is always right here on the forum.

If you can brisk walking 30 minutes it will be a big help with this and life, and that can be done on what the plan calls “rest days” too. There’s people on this forum for whom week 1 was a lot longer than a week, some could probably measure it in months, but they have a badge next to their name that says “graduate” because they didn’t give up, they took their time, owned their journey and didn’t worry about being expected to do this in 9 weeks. We will cheer you all the way, and be here for you when a run doesn’t go so well. You can do this... and you’ve done the hardest bit, you crossed the start line. Great to see another new runner starting, 27 runs or 277 runs, we’re gonna be here to celebrate you crossing the finish line.

Mands50 profile image

Well done for starting. Don’t be too hard on yourself and as others have said maybe slow your pace when you run. The point at this stage is to build up your fitness and stamina. Keep going and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve in a few weeks x

Roydonrunner profile image

Well done for your achievements so far. Don’t give up. I’m 55 going thro menopause and all my joints hurt. I have just finished w9r3 it still hurts and is still not easy but I done it. if I can you can xxx keep going 🏃‍♀️👍

MartinKH profile image

Well done on starting the C25K programme, and the first week is a bit of a shock for many of us so you are not alone at all.

As the others have said, just take it nice and slow and steady. You will he amazed that your fitness and stamina will improve steadily but surely as you go through the programme.

You will get all the support you need on here. Happy running 👍

backintime profile image

Oh god, I remember that first run - yes, slow down, and stay hydrated, being well hydrated helps with heavy legs - just keep repeating your run until you can do it

you will be soo happy when you finish the programme

mayberunner profile image

You got this! Don’t feel bad about struggling, I’m only 23 and I’m with ya. Slow down and you’ll surprise yourself!

Fitat54 profile image

I felt like that after run 1. Run 2 was better. Keep going even if you end up brisk walking. It doesn't matter if it takes more than 9 weeks.

Weavil profile image

Stuck in there, it WILL get better. I'm twice your age and carrying far too much weight. The first run is by far the worst, my legs were soooo sore I wanted to cry rather than do run 2. There was at least a 5 day gap between the runs because of the pain. Then I got a chest infection. However, take it from me as a non-runner, it gets easier. The day after run 2 won't hurt anywhere near as much, and you'll feel better for trying and walking than not leaving the house. Go for it, you can do it!

Irish-John profile image

I thought my running life would be complete if I could run three tenths of a mile without stopping.

And in the first weeks I thought my life would REALLY be completed if I ever tried to run that far!

But eventually I made it and continued to survive :)

Three years later, a few HMs done and just committed to doing an "impossible" FM come December. :)

This is the home of the "Never Could and still hard to believe even now that I can Run Tribe". None of us would have needed a programme otherwise :)

If you survive Day 1 - and absent a Qualified Doc saying you shouldn't - you have found your people, believe me :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future, believe me - they are yours for the taking, slow and steady, one step at a time :)

Speedy60 profile image

Ok, so you've had the deluge of posts saying, oh god, that was me! Now, don't you dare give up! You really can do this and change your life for the better!

You have your whole life ahead of you; it's a gift - don't spend it on the couch! Good luck 👍

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