My last run, which was alot of fun, was almost two weeks ago, but now I just can't find the motivation to get back out there. I've been running for six months and I do love it, so I'm baffled by this sudden apathy! I did have a cold, but I'm fine now. Has anyone else experienced this? Suddenly it's preferable to sit on the sofa with the dog on my lap!!
Is it normal to be unmotivated to run at this ... - Couch to 5K
Is it normal to be unmotivated to run at this time of year? How do I get myself back out there?

That last sentence should read "I am going to go a run with my dog" don't be too disheartened on not going a run, the weather has been bad, if there are some breaks in the ☔ rain, get off the sofa and go for a run.

Totally normal! I mean, it’s not very tempting to go for a run when the rain is lashing and it’s blowing a hoolie. 😕 In these situations, I make myself go for just a short one. Just 15 mins on my favourite route. Before I go out, I tell myself “just 15 minutes, whether I like it or not!” And more often than not, I end up running for longer! But, even a quick 10-min run can be enough to reignite that spark, so why not try it?
Alternatively, if I plan a run and the weather is totally horrendous, I stay home and do some strength work instead. Some squats, planks, clams ... anything to make myself stronger for when I do run again. 👍
A run makes the sitting on the couch with doggo later even more enjoyable!
Thanks Sadie-runs. A short run would be less intimidating right now. Should give me the confidence that I do still know how to run! Doggo is always ready for lap time when I get back. She's very pleased to see me! I tried strength work once recently and inadvertently overdid it, so I keep putting that off too, but i know it's really beneficial so I'll have another go
No problem, Willow. 😊 I find short runs very satisfying. When I first graduated, I had it in my head (wrongly!) that there was no point going out if I wasn’t going to run for at least 30 mins. Daft. I now regularly do short ones - and love them! Gets the blood pumping and the legs moving, but not long enough to get bored or tired. I still love longer distances, but a short one now and then feels like a treat! Let us know how you get on.
Your reward will be a cosy afternoon in with your beloved hound! 🐶 Give her a cuddle from me; I love dogs. 😍
She does love a cuddle! I'd never thought of doing shorter runs. I suppose I imagined that I'd just start going further and further, or always do at least 30 mins, but I can see it makes sense to change it up a little depending on how I feel. I appreciate the advice

I hit a bit of a wall after the Christmas break. The only thing I can suggest is, don't overthink it, just get your running shoes on and get out the door. There aren't any easy hacks.
Good luck 👍
Yes, guilty as charged! Definitely overthinking it! I appreciate the advice
I did read my reply back and thought I would being a bit harsh, sorry. I nearly gave up after Christmas and it's what I needed someone to say to me.
Go you!👊

Can i borrow your dog? that’s the only thing missing from what i’d prefer to do but i find if i tell myself ill just do a couple of kilometers and it’s only about 20 minutes then when i get out there i want to just keep going
Thanks WillowandSola! A shorter run would be less intimidating. In fact I'm already feeling more motivated. Willow my doggo, is only 8 months old and she's a tiny thing, but I'm hoping to train her to run with me. Should be fun if I'm only doing a few kilometres
Well if she’s really just tiny you could do the 10 20 30 thing run slow for 30 seconds then a little faster for 20 seconds then sprint for 10 and again and again but you could do yours walk then walk faster then run the last 10 then walk to slowly build her fitness and get her used to doing what you do while still young then as the weather gets better make it a bit longer
ooo listen to me i would so love a dog to take out and train to run with me lol i have daughters collie but don’t see him every day so the running training peogresses slowly but he is getting it

I find that the main problem is getting out of the house in bad weather. Once I have taken the first few steps of my warm up walk I forget the wind a rain and just focus on the run. It’s a bit like diving into a coldish swimming’s ok once you are in the water!