Hi, looking for some advice. I haven't run for a year now and want to try and fit it back into my busy life again. How do I start getting into again. Do I go back to the being of couch to 5k podcast or do I find want that I would get back in to one and start from they. I hope This makes sense
How do i get back into to run after having a y... - Couch to 5K
How do i get back into to run after having a year of?

You could do Couch to five k program again to ease yourself back in. Or just take yourself off for a walk jog walk session and see how it pans out 🙂👍

Hi I did the same thing (almost to the day according to my run app!). When I restarted again, I decided to use the C25K app because I needed the structure and goals to motivate me and it was only 25 mins out of my day. The interesting thing: although it was a shock to the system as I was a proper potato, I still retained some fitness. This meant the first 3 weeks were not as awful as I thought they would be. Now on week 8 and already planning a programme beyond week 9 so I will keep going and not just stop like last time. Hope that helps!

I did c25k and got to wk9 two years ago and then picked it up again 4 mths back in October 17. I found returning to it much easier than the original time, so what I did was start at wk1 but only did one of the runs, then I think I did the same with wk2 and maybe only did 1 or 2 of wk 3, before settling into it. I admit in some of the early runs I went out twice in the same day as I was quite keen(but obviously don't recommend this). So basically try a few runs to figure out your level and then start back there.

I'd try a week 1 run and see how it goes. If it's too easy, move on a week or 2.

If you haven't run for a year, you will have little or no residual ability to run, I suspect, so I would play safe and go back to the beginning. If W1 seems very easy after one run, you could try a W2 run, but slow and steady progress is the only way back.
Use it or lose it is the lesson to be learned.