I'm doing it! This weeks first run was very hard first run I had to walk for the last 30 seconds..the 2nd run I completed. Now I'm contemplating do I go out first thing and brave the elements or do I do it after work? Inspiration is what I need right now...help!
Week 3 run 1: I'm doing it! This weeks first run... - Couch to 5K
Week 3 run 1

Mmmm around here it looks better weather early. I’m heading off for usual early run. Hope you have a good run whenever you go!

Depends where you live and what suits you. I like running in the morning and don't sleep that well if I run in the evening. Also, the weather here looks pretty dire from midday onwards.

Just get out and do it, week 3 is the shortest workout of C25K, I prefer morning runs although I have been known to run a little later in the day.
Hi Lynnie18. I always get up an hour early on my running days so I can fit it in & recover before starting my 'normal' day. I make sure my kit is laid out ready, wake up, get up, brush my teeth and go. I do find it's a great start to the day, (I have more 'bounce' about me) I suppose from the achievement, but there are other advantages too. One of the most important ones (for me) is that I can do it without anyone seeing me! I'm no athlete and am very self-conscious about what I must look like! The other thing is that I couldn't easily fit the runs into any other time of my day without disrupting the family. I get home from work between 6 & 6:30 and we always have dinner together at 7:30, so I couldn't run & recover before that. Then, by the time we've eaten & cleared away and I'd let my dinner go down, it'd be too late to go out. Finally, even if we didn't have the dinner situation I know that evening running wouldn't suit me. I would have had all day to think of numerous reasons why I couldn't do it tonight, but maybe tomorrow would be better? We are all different, and what suits me may not work for you. However you do it, keep on doing it, and let us know how it goes.
Sadly I didnt go today i didnt get up early enough to run, shower and be ready for work. So i had it in my head i would go when i got home from work. The weathers been awful this afternoon,trampolines blowing over etc so I made the decision not to go out. I WILL go out tomorrow though. Feel like I've let myself down 😣