I ran for 30 mins yesterday for the first time ever but I did find it really difficult - will it get easier and if so when? I was really enjoying the first half but the second half we ran towards a really strong wind which I don't think helped. If I can enjoy it like I did the first half then I will be running forever
Wk9: I ran for 30 mins yesterday for the first... - Couch to 5K
My first ever 30 minute run is today. Lesson learnt from the last run, I need to set off much, much slower and then kick it up at the end.
Maybe you also just need to go a lot slower in the first half? I've accepted now, that I'm still Learning.
But, good luck with the next 2 runs.... nearly there!
The 30 minute runs do get easier with time . Same as running 60 seconds or 3 minutes a few weeks ago was hard and are now easy for you . Like runningmigster says just slow down and You will be fine . After graduation and a few consiadation runs 30 mins will get easier.
Well done.
If any run is tough, then slow down.
You need to pace yourself when you increase duration or distance.
GreT effort, strong wind really doesn't help. It will get easier, then you will also have cold or wet or windy bad days, but on those you congratulate yourself even more for having got out there. Happy running
Thank you everyone for your replies, I will try and slow down. Hopefully it won't be so windy next time!
Perhaps the wind made your run today feel harder, you are on week 9, take run 3 of week 9, your graduation run slow and steady, good luck
I ran into a gale force wind at Parkrun on my graduation run - it’s hard work! Next time you go out hopefully the wind will have dropped and you’ll enjoy it again! But it’s just weather and I’m sure you’ll get used to it - and although I still find it hard work, running is getting easier and each time I go out I amaze myself that I’m still doing it! I’m sure you will too! Happy running!
Thank you oldgirlruns, I hope so too. Failing that I will slow down like everyone says, initially I didn't think I could go any slower but I've been reading on here some people complete 4km in the 30mins, we did it in 4.65km not including the walking.
Which is even better - I was nowhere near that at graduation (and still aren’t if I’m honest!). Well done you!
In that case you are faster than me! 😄 There is definitely “slower”! 😂
I deliberately run slower than I can to make myself more comfortable later in the run. 😄
I run with my husband and feel guilty going too slow (he's a lot better at running than me!) but I'm going to give it a go though. Thank you
Ah yes, I have a husband like that- he is a gazelle of over 45 years experience and I am an Uber snail of two years experience.
We have an agreement that he will run at whatever speed he wishes to - and so will I! This means, in practice, that he runs loops around me and chums me along for part of my run when he wants to. 😄
It also means that he makes me jump out of my skin from time to time, when I am pottering along gently listening to music and suddenly a voice says “hello” in my ear from just behind. 😂
😂😂😂 Oh yes, I know that glare! - Mr E got it full blast last week when he tried to encourage me to go faster! Foolish, foolish hubby! 🤣
It’s not that the running gets easier, it’s that you get fitter so it seems easier 🙂