I am a 40+ bloke who has never exercised since my mid 20's. I was 23 stone at week one and I am just about to start week 7, 4 stone lighter and loving every minute of getting up at 5am and jogging/waddling through the programme like fat blokes do!!!
In addition to this programme i am also walking up and down hills getting tired and sweaty! For an hour, 4 days per week, as i am determined to reach my target weight.
I found it painful at first but it does get easier after you persevere with Laura. Just stick with Laura and she will get you through it...I promise you, i was really sceptical at first but after week two i started to really get into the programme. I had to repeat the third run at week 5 as I wasn't able to run the full 20minutes, first time around, (18 minutes and i needed oxygen and st. Johns ambulance behind me on my 5 minute warm down on my first attempt!!!) only joking!!! on the second attempt I managed it. The sense of my achievement was immense. If someone had told me that 7 weeks ago I could run for 25 minutes 7 weeks ago, I would have had them committed to an asylum!!
I was and still am extremely self conscious running, however now I think what the hell, I'm doing this for me and it's worked. This is a great initiative, i just wished that I had found this sooner and had the self belief to do something about my excess tonnage sooner!! If you are an exercise phobic then please just take a fat blokes advice, keep at it, keep going even when you think your heart has dropped out of your chest on week 1!, stick with the plan, eat and drink sensibly IT REALLY DOES WORK!!
Cheers Laura only two more weeks to the start of my new life as a not so fat bloke! I will blog again if I don't die before week 9! Best of luck.