So this running lark is all good when I have the gear on. But today was my first real life challenge.
I was late for my train and wondered if I could run and get it.
So I tried and did! In the past I would have just been a bit late!
Notes to self re doing this again:
- Keep hydrated I have been on a course the last few days and have been eating lots of biscuits and drinking lots of tea/coffee and absolutely no water. My legs were like lead.
- Shoes These were good as I had some trainers on
- Wear layers Running in your normal clothes makes me really boil up
- Deodorant On a normal day I really don’t sweat so if I forget the deo, specially now it’s a bit cooler, no big deal. But running with lots of clothes on is a different story altogether 😁
Would LOVE to know what your first real life experience was - chasing your children, when you had to go up some stairs.