My weight loss journey has had many bumps in the road.
Back in 2012 I reached a dress size 24 and i started getting heart palpitations. This caused me to make some life changes. I removed myself from a destructive relationship. Then by going to the gym and eating healthily I started to loose. By 2014 I have lost a staggering amount of weight around 10 stone down to dress size 14.
However over the last few years my career has taken off, moved from one end of the country to the other the result being my weight has gradually gone back up. I am and will always have to manage being a comfort eater.
Now at 18 stone dress size 20 I am determined to get back to focusing on myself and my health. I found out about C5k from a friend who recommended it.
I started couch to 5k last week I am on W2 R3 as if yesterday and enjoying the program. Last time I starting running I found it beyond difficult, used to run until I couldn’t anymore. Meaning I ended up dreading going.
Just a little about me and why I’m here. Would love to hear your motivations to doing the couch to 5k.