I have just started wk1 and i am feeling really positive. Although i have been reading a few posts and noticed people putting weight on? I want to get fit and lose weight as i have just quit smoking too. I am about 2 stone over weight ..... does anyone have any postitive weight loss while getting to 5k?
Weight gain when running?? : I have just started... - Couch to 5K
Weight gain when running??

I haven't lost much weight but I have really noticed a difference in my size and shape. I have really pulled in. I was a bit dissappointed at first but I know if I keep up the running and the healthy eating it will come off slowly . Keep those positive thoughts and keep on running!!!!
Thanks Laurae. I will maybe take measurements too then. Any postitve change is good.
Yes definitely take measurements, I am sure you will notice a change over time. I have toned up a bit over the last few months. I have only lost about 6/7 lbs since starting in January but then I wasn't really trying to lose weight. I only noticed after graduating that the weight was slowly coming off and my diet had improved. So, good luck, stick with the programme and you will get so many positive benefits x

Welcome I've just completed w3 and, along with taking up the c25k, I've also decided to start eating more healthily and watching my daily calorie intake. In less than 2 weeks I had lost 4lb. I'm only about half a stone overweight (according to my BMI) but decided to set a goal to lose a stone. I'm using an app called 'myfitnesspal' to monitor my daily intake. It's free and I find it useful for me.
I haven't lost much weight doing the programme but similarly my body shape has really changed. I have gone down at least one dress size and my leg tone has improved to the point where I am contemplating wearing shorts this summer !

Keep up the good work. When I started this programme I had lost 4 stone. So I took up running to tone up and get fit. I have lost a further 8/9 lb and have nearly lost two dress sizes. I am doing a healthly eating plan and reduced my protion control along side the running. Hope you manage to loose yiur weight too
Thanks everyone!

I'm on week 7 now and have lost 5kg (about 11 pounds). I am eating more healthy, write down everything I have and move more on my non run days as well. I also noticed a change in my body shape. I think just running would not have made me loose weight (or as much) but a combination of it seems to work. Good luck with it! I am actually enjoying it and looking forward to my runs.

Hiya - as some people have said, running by itself won't necessarily make you lose weight, (although it might tone you up) but along with a healthy eating plan it should have an effect. I agree with Paul2014 - myfitnesspal is a great app to help monitor what you eat - and the running you do will count positively to your progress. I'm 2.5 stone down since Jan this year and running has been a big part of that. Good luck and congrats on getting started!

I graduated within the last couple of weeks and it's only now that I am noticing I am more toned and as someone else said, "pulled in" but it is important to note that running does inspire one to eat more healthily and improving one's diet is easier in my opinion because of that feel-good and can-do attitude that are just a couple of the positive side effects that running has
Well done on starting the plan. It's a fantastic way to kick starting a healthier lifestyle and forming better habits. Well done on stopping smoking and as snacking is a way of curbing the cravings I would suggest throwing away anything not healthy, having a stock of chopped carrots or raisins available and one way I found to keep hunger at bay was watery soup eg watercress or leek. Bread is my biggest downfall so I no longer buy it
Good luck and keep up the good work x

Hi mdouglas12! It may well be that you don't lose kg's immediately but you certainly will find significant changes to your body shape. I suggest measuring yourself and when friends start telling you how toned you are looking then measure again.