Hey all so I graduated c25k on the 24th August and haven't run since. It's been a couple of crazy weeks as I finished at my previous job last week and started teacher training this week and just havent had the energy/ mojo to run. I want too and think it will do me good to clear my head but need a kick to get out. I just need to get my arse out and fit it in to my new routine
Graduate and lost mojo: Hey all so I graduated c... - Couch to 5K
Graduate and lost mojo

Congratulations on graduating, next I'll give you a gentle kick up 😂, now promise me that tomorrow Saturday morning you will go a short run around your nearest park. 😊 🏃

Do you still remember how good it feels to run and the amazing feeling on completing one. Just get up tomorrow and run, just do it 😊😊

You’ve posted on here, so you’ve already made the head change. One foot in front of the other! You know you can do it.

Hi Kez31 please try and go tomorrow morning. I started my 6 consolidation runs this morning and it was really good as I just played my music as I know where to walk to for 5 mins etc.
If was lovely 😁

Changing routines can mess things up a bit. You’ve not been off the running long enough to worry about losing fitness... drag your butt out tomorrow for a nice relaxed easy run.

Aw, teacher training is really demanding. If you can fit running in too, it'll really help with de-stressing. It's hard though!

Your half way there.....you have made the decision. When you exert some energy running you get it back tenfold....dont overthink it....just go for it....you wont regret it....good luck with your new venture....you will be able to motivate and inspire all those kids you will be teaching soon

Congratulations on graduating! It does feel a bit strange after graduation as the structure is suddenly gone so it can be hard to find the motivation. Just think of all the hard work you put in and don't let it go to waste! Put those trainers on and go! Even if you go for 20 minutes, you'll feel soooo much better for it.
I've had bad, good and great runs since I graduated 2 months ago, but felt the benefit of every single one.
Looking forward to reading about yours.
Good luck (and with the training too) 💪🏃♂️🏃♀️

I work with trainee teachers and would definitely advise getting back out there asap. Teacher training will take every minute of your time, if you let it, but you will be much more effective and energised if you run. Running is about the best thing for your well being -remember to tend to that before anything else. Good luck with both the teaching and the running.
Lay out your gear trainers so it’s easy just to go and see it as looking after yourself- set your countdown timer for 30 mins , warm up and run until the timer goes off - reward yourself and smugly report back on here - job done

That thing about mojo can always be decided in the easiest way possible, and that's by answering a simple question:
Do you want to run? If yes, good, if no, also good. My wife answered no, and that was it for her. Cannot be simpler.

It can be hard finding the motivation! Have you thought about signing up for a running event? A 5k one or a 10k for a few months time? That kept up my motivation after graduating as I want the finisher medal!!!!! And as you have to pay for them that’s more a motivation to actually do them! Good luck and hope you get that motivation back!

I had a knee injury just before graduation, but I finished and had then had to rest it. Just getting my mojo back, but now there’s no pressure because I know I can run, saying that, I tried a post grad podcast today and it was a bit phew.

Hi Kez - I’ve definitely found it harder to stay motivated since I graduated at Easter and am struggling to keep up with even 30 mins, but it is a case of just do it. You know you’ll feel better for it, but possibly line up a reward for afterwards? Also I tell myself if I do 20 mins that will be great, but once I’m out I can generally do more. Hope you manage to get out this weekend! X

Congrats o the new career! Now think on how you’d encourage your students to do some merging they’re not keen on, apply to self and get your trainers on and self out of the door! I always treat my runs as preparation for something....
Congratulations on graduating and the teacher training.
After the structure of C25K I was also worried that I would no longer have the incentive to run so joined the Bridge to 10k and Ju-Ju’s Magic Running Plan.
Have you thought about doing that? A new plan started two weeks ago so I’m sure it’s not too late to join in.

Sometimes I have not always wanted to go out for a run since graduating but I know that I will benefit and enjoy it if I do, so on a run day this is what I do: when I get dressed in the morning I put my running gear on straight away after waking up and I am not aloud to change until I've completed a run, this is my way of ensuring I will go. It works for me, and if your run is in the evening, when you get home from work on a run day put your running gear on straight away as part of your routine, if you put your comfy clothes on its just so much harder to want to change into sporty gear and go out, your comfy clothes can be a nice treat for when you come back from your run.

Hey all, thank you for your replies, I went out yesterday did a 30 minute slow run, was difficult and definitely hadn't drunk enough but was glad I went and felt better for it x

If you really didn’t want to run you wouldn’t be on here. I think it’s hard coming off the structure of the program and sounds like you’ve had a lot going on.