Well .. at least I tried: Okay .. so now I'm... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Well .. at least I tried

Couchhogger profile image
43 Replies

Okay .. so now I'm back with my bum safely on the couch. For all of u who have acted as my coaches .. u did better than I thought. I hope I didn't let u down x .. I sorta did it .. I mean sort of as I didn't do all the runs (mostly cos there were people around and I felt stupid) and also I have no idea how to jog at all, partly because I didn't take any water and partly because an old foot injury started playing up, but I probably managed about 5 of them and just carried on walking for the others. I got home just in time for the cool down and walked around the front room for that time. My legs feel a bit warm but I'm actually quite pleased of myself .. trust me, without you I wouldn't have done it all... so THANK YOU X

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Couchhogger profile image
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43 Replies
Loopin profile image

Hello Couchhogger

I also feel like you, really self concsious etc etc. I am not sure if you have the space but my way round it was to buy my own treadmill. I have it in the garage and plod away behind closed doors with the intention of one day (once I can look like I can jog!) to venture outside in the fresh air.

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Loopin

What a great idea .. I dont really have the space tho 😥

Rikki68 profile image
Rikki68Graduate in reply to Couchhogger

I keep my treadmill in the corner of the living room- great if I don't want to venture outside and it has really helped develop my core fitness without having to run around in public looking like I'm melting! I would definitely recommend getting one if you can possibly fit it in

Buddy34 profile image

Brilliant, well done. I didn't know how to run properly either before starting c25k. It just takes practice and determination.

Try to drink plenty water 7 days a week. Have a rest day and try again. You CAN do this 😊😊

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Buddy34

Should I redo the same run?

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to Couchhogger

Yes it's advised not to move on to the next run until you've fully completed the one you are on. It's ok if it takes longer than 9 weeks to complete. I took 17 weeks. There's no rush . Keep coming back and posting it will keep you motivated 😊

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Buddy34

Thank you x x

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done, you got out there and made a start.

Have a rest day, then try again. You need to complete every workout (3 per week) before moving on.

If you are struggling, just slow down. You should be able to speak clearly as you run......if not, you are going too fast.....as described in the guide to the plan healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to IannodaTruffe

I'll check it out .. thanks x

Loopin profile image

I started in April and have re-run lots of weeks. I have only started wk5 today.

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Loopin

That's good to know .. how you finding it ? x

Loopin profile image
LoopinGraduate in reply to Couchhogger

Really tough, but have pretty much done each run of each week 3 times! But hey today I ran 3 x 5 minute runs so if it means taking it slow so be it. Don't give up. Take as long as you need because just doing SOMETHING is better than doing nothing.

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Loopin

That's very true . At least I moved!!!! X

Loopin profile image
LoopinGraduate in reply to Couchhogger


Lwalton profile image
Lwalton in reply to Couchhogger

You did it! I only started yesterday, I am doing it on a treadmill at the gym, for the very same reasons most have stated! Don’t give up, you have already done more than most by starting 🥰 you take it at your own pace!!!

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Lwalton

That might be a good idea x

Oldgirlruns profile image

Hi Ch! Well you can sit on the couch and figure out your next step. If you’re worried about how to jog, you could take a look at the Japanese Slow Running clip on YouTube. This is a form of slow running which you might find helpful at least to start with. Otherwise remember to keep it slow, Stay really well hydrated all the time and don’t forget to read Iannoda Truffe’s pinned post for new runners which has everything you need to know. Repeat the runs until you’ve managed to complete them - which you will! And don’t forget to let us know how you get on! You shouldn’t need to take water with you as you go through the plan if you drink plenty. Sorry to hear about your foot - do you have some decent shoes for running in? That might help prevent any further aches and pains. And finally- you should rightly feel proud of yourself - you got off the couch and out there! So well done you!

Couchhogger profile image

Thanks for your support ... and tips. I will read the posts as mentioned. I'm wearing sketchers

UnfitNoMore profile image

Very well done... you’ve let nobody down at all, so don’t think that way even for a second.

All it takes for you to get from the couch to running 5k comfortably is to keep starting the runs and trying. Most of us don’t do 5k on plan, but it comes later... many of us don’t complete every run, but they can be repeated. The finish line is a lot less important than the start line, always.

Be damn proud that you went and did it... I’m sure I can speak for everyone here and say we are proud of you. Have a nice rest day, keep the legs loose by not sitting for long periods and maybe a little walk or two, and then come again on your next run day.

Every run, completed or not, makes you a stronger, fitter, better runner for the next one. You can do this.

Couchfunky profile image
CouchfunkyGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

I love that line - the start is always more important than the finish. Great advice

Couchhogger profile image

How lovely .. thank you x

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to Couchhogger

Out the door is the really tricky bit. If you’ve done that - and you have - then you can eventually run for 30 minutes! 👏🏼 I also recommend the Japanese slow jogging method - look on YouTube. It’s great and really helps avoid injury. 😄 Welcome to running/jogging/shuffling along with the rest of us!

Zebadee1 profile image

Well done for getting out there...you should feel proud for doing something positive not self conscious and stupid. Even if there are people around, they're probably paying you a lot less attention than you think. (If any)..just get out there and do your thing. We'll be rooting for you! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️💪

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Zebadee1

Thanks zebadee x

Callydog profile image
Callydog in reply to Zebadee1

Agree with what Zebadee1 has said, and would add that the reaction - if any - I generally get from others is 'well done you!' And I would point out that I am by no means either young or athletic in any way :)

AliHC profile image

What a star you are! You got out there! Every time you go out the stronger you will be and the more motivated and ready you will be for the next one. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat a run. Think of it as good practice for the next one 😊 Keep it up! X

Gem2844 profile image

You know what I always think when people stare at my bright red face, ‘at least I’m out doing it!!’ And you need to be proud of that! I don’t know them so I don’t care, I’m on my own mission! X

SpeedMaQueen profile image

Well done on getting started! That’s the really hard part. And as for being self conscious, trust me, you will get to a point where you really don’t care - after all - you are doing something amazing to improve your health and well-being. Go for it! And don’t worry how long it takes you- you’re doing this for you - it’s not a race against anyone else. Happy running!

ButtercupKid profile image

Took me nine weeks of repeats to beat week 1, another 3 for week 2, five months and a lot of ducking down back routes to avoid spectators to reach graduation. You can do this and it is worth it. Always remember the First Rule of C25k: The only run you fail is the run you don’t go for ! We’re all right here cheering you on x

Doris44 profile image

Good for you!!

There is no need to kill yourself for a run..you did more than the day before and that's the main thing. Even if you only do 5 runs for the first week then re do week 1 and aim for the 8 you'll be great. I did only my 2nd run yesterday and although it was still tough..I did it a bit easier than the 1st. You can do do..just have faith in yourself.

LittleSallyRacket profile image

Well done! I had to repeat W1 a few times to get the hang of jogging but after a few weeks it will feel more natural.

Also, don’t worry about there being people around. Absolutely nobody gives a toss about other people running and there are stop-start runners everywhere these days. Nobody will even notice you.

Ssasqueen profile image

Well done so far. Everything you have done so far has had you moving more that you did before. When you can dust yourself and try again. Keep going. It took me 6 months to do the ‘nine week’ program. I repeated days and weeks and missed weeks but kept on with the knowledge that even if I just stuck to week one I was moving more that I had before.

When I started I wore a cap and boring (black) running clothes for anonymity and went out when no one was about.

I now do park run every week.

You tried thats the main thing well done

Hatman profile image

Now the weather’s getting cooler. Think about starting the next run like I did, in March this year. Trainers, jeans, a fleece, sunglasses and a cap. Stick your ears on with the NHS C25K podcast or app playing Week 1 Run 1 with all the instructions. Set off for a walk. Nothing unusual about that. Just walk, not just an amble though. Imagine you have to be at the bus stop very soon. The the trainer tells you to run, 123, 123 etc. Just make running steps. You don’t have to go much faster than you walk, take running steps. Just for that minute. Then walk again. Glad to be able to get your breath back, if you are anything like me. 103kg, smoked all my life, drank too much too.

I had to do W1 twice before I was happy that I made a reasonable job of those one minute runs. I never expected to finish that first week, never mind the course.

Five months later and I have just run for half an hour. Just as I now do each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Not very far! I only usually do 4 Km in that time. But! I now breathe easily while I run. That took a long time. I am closer to 90 Kg and a lot better shape than I was. Trousers I grew out of are now coming back out of the wardrobe. I sleep better and I think there are a few neighbours a bit envious that they didn’t join in when they noticed me later setting off in shorts and tee shirt.

How do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time. Decide to do the first run. Do that, then decide what to do next? Run2?

Your next time out can only be better!

Goslow profile image

Well done for starting that’s the hardest part! I feel the same very self conscious even at the gym.i would like to run outside but not at the moment. I am very slow and like you feel have no idea how to 🏃‍♀️ but, I think most of us on here are the same 😊 some one did mention the Japanese running to me and it really has helped me. Also someone mentioned a treadmill at home, I got my daughter a fold up one as she has no space and she loves it!

Remember take it at your own pace it’s not a race 👍 you can do this 🙌🏃‍♀️

Keep posting we are all here to support each other and without this forum I would never of kept this up 😘 x

Runabath profile image

Never give up! This is my third attempt at C5K but I am further than I’ve ever been before! At only run 4!

Hatman profile image
HatmanGraduate in reply to Runabath

Keep eating that elephant. Just the next little bit.......

Couchhogger profile image
Couchhogger in reply to Hatman

Lol ... love the elephant idea x

Puppy-love profile image

Well done. You’ve done the hardest part. I was convinced everyone was looking at me and judging me when I first started but then I realised they couldn’t care less. You’ve got a lot to be proud of. You’ve taken the first steps to change your life. Keep us updated on your progress. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️😊

Kia12 profile image

Well done keep up the good work😊

islandrunner profile image

Took me 3-4 weeks to complete week 1 back in 2015. So just keep repeating the runs until you can do them. My first time out, I managed about 20 seconds running before having to walk. I just kept repeating until I finally managed week 1 run 1.

Zigas profile image

Firstly, massive well done for getting out there. As has been said, the start is much, much harder to achieve than the finish. Regards feeling stupid, my way of dealing with feeling a bit daft when out running is to keep looking straight ahead, just not to make eye contact with anyone I meet, then you can ignore that they are even there. Although, the odd person I have looked at has usually given me a thumbs up or said well done you. I don't think anyone would be judging us badly for getting out there and trying to get fitter but if they are having a bit of a laugh at our expense, then they are not worth worrying about anyway!

Keep on it, no matter how long it takes or how many times you have to repeat a run. You WILL get there in the end.

Tazzy_wazzy profile image

You’re doing great. It doesn’t matter who sees you because secretly they’re wishing they had the guts to have a go. Enjoy your running 🏃‍♀️

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