Well, folks, it was tough and I needed to pep talk myself through it but just managed to get through 20 minutes of running with no walking breaks! Was a snail but managed to keep going!
Week 5 run 3: Well, folks, it was tough and I... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 3

Well done you, 20 minutes non stop is a great achievement 😊😊
That’s awesome! I thought I was dying after week one, run one so twenty minutes no stopping is a great achievement! I hope it does get easier? It felt like torture!

Congratulations on completing run 3 of week 5, that is a milestone run with C25K, onwards and upwards to week 6 run 1 but be careful about that run as it catches out some people with the interval walks and runs after the non stop 20 minutes of W5R3 which you have just ran

Snails rock, especially when they can keep going for 20 minutes. Well done! 👏🏼🎉👏🏼

Snails rock...totally...well done you!
This is reassuring. But I am still putting this run off as I am wondering if I will actually survive?! I suppose the worst that can happen is I slow to a walk and try again. I won't actually die from running for 20 mins right? You managed right? Lol.
Anyone who has conquered this is a hero!