It doesn’t have to be striving for 10K. I started in
March, so graduated a few weeks ago. Here we are in week 1 of August. First run this month done.Quite successfully I feel.
Not fast by any means, but done! Looking back at my last two quest weeks courtesy of my phone and RockMyRun free app, I am getting better.
At my age I am quite happy just to run for thirty minutes three times a week. That is my plan. My Quest each week.
At JSR plod speed that doesn’t quite get me to 4K, but close! ( Japanese Slow Running Man)
Looking back over my results over six plods, my average pace has gone from 10.05 to 08.43. I know that you proper runners will argue the toss about SPM (steps/min.)& cadence, speed and distance etc. You are welcome to do that and feel that it is important. I am just happy to be fitter, lighter and generally more cheerful. If I am a wee bit faster this week, that’s a bonus, not my aim.
Any runners out there who are struggling? You are not last! I am plodding along trying to catch up enough to read what is printed on the back of your shirt. Keep up the good work and just enjoy your running.