W7R1. 5 minutes ok. 20 minutes of scanning hedgerows for likely places to dash to... I managed without any dashing but instead of the 5 minute cool down walked very very briskly into the ladies loos praying for no queue! Sooooo: what shouldn’t I eat on the day of the runs? (...if you’ll pardon the pun!)
Loo Break Management. : W7R1. 5 minutes ok. 2... - Couch to 5K
Loo Break Management.
This is a running issue. You’ll get used to it as you get experience. So for me I’m pretty regular, mornings and early evenings. So for example, every Saturday morning I get up at around 7am, have a coffee and a slice of toast with jam and half a banana whilst catching up with TV which was recorded during the week. By 8:30am I’m ready for a visit to the loo, and then I’m ready to go to parkrun. If I just rolled out of bed and went to parkrun I’d be in trouble as the running would induce an urgent toilet visit. Same if I’m going for an evening run. I find coffee is pretty good at bringing on the toilet urge.
It’s all part of running, the more experienced you get and the more you get to know your own body the less of an issue it will be.
Happy running.
The more exercise you do the better everything functions . Give yourself more time before a run to see if you need to go first , it will sort itself out . Good luck 😊
😂 My rule, after being similarly caught short and only just making it to the loo in time, is very simple. No poo, no run. Works for me.
Honestly, I have never understood folk who can set their watches by this, am I jealous? Maybe 😂😳
I don't eat or drink anything before I run, it does help that I am generally back in before 07.00!
I'm sure that you will find what works for you though 🤩
Did a fasted run this morning. It was better.