First failed run- Wk6 Run 3: I’m absolutely... - Couch to 5K

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First failed run- Wk6 Run 3

HarryJoe profile image
19 Replies

I’m absolutely gutted- I’ve managed all runs up to now- exhilaration over Week 5 Run 3 but I’ve only managed 20 of the 25 mins required tonight. I’m devastated.

I’ve got lots of what I call excuses- felt tired at work all day, possibly wrong food choices, maybe not enough fluid and the gym was so HOT by the time I got there. My legs felt like lead on the treadmill and at 20 mins I felt a bit sick and wobbly so decided to walk for a minute. Tried to run again but just couldn’t .

I already feel like a fake as I’ve done it all at the gym on the treadmill where my pace is regulated and it’s all flat.

Please perk me up! I’ve been so proud of myself up to now and I feel so fed up.

Will I ever be able to run 25 mins regularly?. Will I ever be able to do it outdoors (I tried once- wow it was hard!)?

Will it ever feel comfortable (I’m literally keeling over at the end of each run)?


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HarryJoe profile image
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19 Replies
Peanutnanna profile image

Harry Joe, I’m no expert (well not at running anyway 🤣) but I would say that this is not a failure but a mere hitch in the grand scheme of things. You have done some amazing running so far to get to week 6 and at W1R1 I bet you didn’t think you’d be able to run for 1 minute! We’re having lovely hot weather, though not so good for running, life and work get in the way and the whole load is tiring but, you’re running! Just saying 😊

Debston profile image

If you were feeling sick, definitely best to stop. Think of it as a practice run, not a fail.

johnno117 profile image

Never a fail - always a lesson! And look at you, examining all the possible things that may have contributed to this one not working out for you - that's great, that's what lessons are for!

Have you thought about giving it a go again outdoors? I would find 25 minutes incredibly hard going on a treadmill in a hot gym - I need my scenery (and breeze!) to see me through! If you found it hard when you tried it outside before, were you maybe going too fast?

Goforitmama profile image

Give it a day or two, then try again.

All kudos to you for running on a treadmill! You press the buttons setting the pace then off you go. Sounds simple right? Hec NO! You’ve gotta keep up with that machine. All of us outdoor runners speed up and slow down without giving it much thought. Inner city runners stop for traffic lights etc etc. There are no such luxuries on the treadmill.

We alll have days when running is better than other days. Don’t be hard on yourself. Also the amount you are running at the moment is demanding, just be happy with your progress to date. Allow yourself as many re-tries at this run as you wish. Not everyone finishes in 9 weeks.

Allow yourself a slower pace, speed it up for the last few minutes if you’ve still got enough energy at the end.

Don’t worry about speed and pace at this stage, just getting to the end is your goal.

Good luck, you can do it!

Oldfloss profile image

No f words here... and you know all the reasons why it might have gone upside down...

So..hydration is key.. all the time..not just run days... all the time and especially now ...the fuel you put in too is so important.. good healthy enjoyable eating, and again at this time of the year...perfect choices...

Also, if you feel nauseous.. then stopping is the correct thing to do....

And... do try outdoors... it is cooler and far mor relaxing... yes, so, so different, but taken properly is fine.

Find a good route... one where you can take thing in... a park, canal path, even a running track...You may find it works for you :)

This may help...

( It does apply to all genders) :)x

Well done you anyway ! Take care:)

Dalmorangie profile image

First “fail” at W6R3.....that’s actually quite an achievement!! You’ve come so far and only had just one off day....tomorrow’s another day, get back in the saddle, etc (insert any more cliches!) and crack on mate! 👏👏👏👏

Dalmorangie profile image

And let us all know when you’re back in the game to egg us on!! 😂👏👍

Astra5 profile image

Hydration is definitely a MUST and remember you never fail, just having a practice. All the advice given here will help because they have all done it before and been where you are now. Personally I had to get over the fact that I had to stop and walk bits without feeling guilty. It was the kind folk on here that got me over the self guilt. Now I enjoy running more and sometimes fell like not stopping. Enjoy your running and tweaking it to suit you 🏃‍♂️😎

WillRunForWine profile image

When I failed my first run (week 8 run 2) I felt exactly the same but DO NOT PANIC! It sounds like you were already tired and not enough water on board in the day would have really affected you. It’s just one of those things and there was a clear reason (not excuses). Have a rest day then get back on the treadmill and you will do it I promise! I never thought in a million years I could run for 90 seconds without internally screaming (and sometimes externally 😂) but I graduated on Sunday! Keep going, trust the programme, you haven’t failed, it’s awful in this heat! You’re doing great 🙌🏻

Neil2702 profile image

Setting the scene is important to me. Looking at the technical/ experienced support offered let me try to get it Bak2Basiks.........

Get outside

Set positive goals

Plan your run - I go to part of the National Forest

Get the right music

Drink before you go - not vodka & red bull

Ensure your food supports your challenge - I have “offset” all of my life eg worked hard, then ate cr*p. That’s now history, I’m running minimum 4 miles (x 3 per week) & lost 3 stone

Listen to your body, if your tired, rest. I can’t run every day / every other. I now train, take 2 off then train eg Mon - Thurs - Sun ... etc

Introduce other forms of positive activity (I walk a minimum of 12,000 steps a day)

Be proud.... you should be

I have a Banana

Dont do twenty minutes in future. Every runner has days like these, sometimes you go out and just can't do it and it is your bodys was of saying for whatever reason dont. You take a 48 hour rest and then back to it. I used to run about 25 miles a week for a long time, every other day but there were about three or four occasions when I just couldn't put one foot infront of the other. Your body wants to rest so let it or it will stop you running ever.

60fit profile image

You ran for 20 minutes! That's not failure 😀

sTrongFuse profile image

If it's any consolation, that one was one of two that I stumbled on (the other being W4R2).

It's probably a combination of things. The switch from the 20 minute W5R3 run, back to intervals then back to non-stop can be a tricky one. Hydration, the heat, tiredness and general mood can all play their part in having a less than great run. That said, you managed 20 minutes, so that's still a positive. It's only the second time you've got that far, so think back to where you were just over 6 weeks ago and consider and celebrate what you've achieved so far.

Dust yourself down, take a rest, try again (maybe a bit slower) and see how you get on.

I did my second attempt at W6R3 on April 17. I graduated on 7 May. I did my first parkrun on 11 May (in 39 minutes), the 5k Race for Life on 23 June and, despite a few stutters since graduation (this one being particularly notable: ), my first 10k on 1 July.

Don't let one blip deflect you. A 20 minute run is still a good run even if it wasn't what you were aiming for. It's still more running that you had done before you set out, and it's all minutes and km in the legs.

Onwards and upwards...

Munty profile image

Firstly, well done for getting to w6r3, as that is an achievement in itself. I had failed runs on my C5K journey. I found this not to be an issue and just decided to run it again and then move on when I could complete. I also found my performance early in the morning was better than after work or early evening so consider changing your run times if you have trouble getting past a certain run.

More importantly, don’t give up as you are doing fantastic!

Meedeb profile image

Well done on making 20 mins!

It’s all been said, but just to say in case you didn’t know if you set the treadmill on a 1% incline that will mimic outside running. No need for guilt at all. I’ve never run on a treadmill but my daughter has and apparently that’s the number 😎 if you can, really do try outside, it’s so lovely and you may find your run will be over before you know it. Keep us posted how you get on and happy running. 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

ButtercupKid profile image

Those aren’t excuses, they’re reasons. By identifying them, you start to learn what to avoid: we run, we learn, we run better. Always remember the First Rule of C25k: The only run you fail is the run you don’t go for ! Enjoy your well earned rest day, and have fun conquering that run next time x

Philidar profile image

Hi mate. Don’t be hard on yourself. From what I’ve read week 6 catches a lot of people out as it goes back to the run walk run walk pattern. I think many many people find/found it the most tricky. Keep at it though.

Fatgirlslim19 profile image

Ohh HarryJoe, you did not fail! You did 20 minutes when you really weren't feeling it, and then you walked. 6 weeks ago you couldn't have run 20 minutes. This is still a success! Maybe not the one you wanted but it is still one. Maybe try slowing down a little bit more. I used to be sick literally every time I ran, the lovely folk on here told that was bad (I thought it meant I was pushing myself in a good way) and that slowing right down was what I needed. Hey presto, all the runs since have felt good, not a struggle, and most I've actually enjoyed. My point is this - week 6 is tough, week 1 was tougher and you did that and much, much more since. Chin up, best foot forward and off you go!

SlowLoris profile image

Slow down!

Your last paragraph says it all.

Small changes in pace make a big difference.

Not what you're looking for?

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