Wk6 R1. I've lost confidence.: I did wk6 r... - Couch to 5K

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Wk6 R1. I've lost confidence.

Babana profile image
17 Replies

I did wk6 r1 this morning. I completed it but found it tough. I cannot believe that I ever managed to run for 20 mins last week. I don't know what's happened but after running this morning I feel that there is no way I will be able 20 mins let alone 25 mins at the end of this week. It's like I've gone backwards. Hopefull ths is only a blip.

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Babana profile image
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17 Replies
Anonymous36 profile image

Many of us found week 6 tough so you are not alone! Keep to the plan and it does all fall into place. The weeks really start to fly by from here to the end (I thought so anyway), so not long now and you will be running 30 minutes!!! :)

Hang in there, you can do it!

casdix profile image

Don't be disheartened - we all have bad runs but the next one will most likely be better. Keep going :-)

debbzi profile image

I hated the first run of week 6 and I know lots of others did too. Lots of others who now have "graduate" next to their name. Have faith that it's just a blip. In three weeks, you won't believe you ever doubted yourself xxx

Jenson profile image

I had this on run 1 of week 6. Don't know why but it was the worst run so far. The support on here told me to not think about it or over analyze, just a bad run. Haven't had one that bad since and am just starting week 8 today.

Just put it behind you and forget about it.

magster profile image

Hi, I was exactly the same as you on run1 but I have just completed run2 and although I found that a bit tough it was certainly better than run1. I put my trust in Laura and told myself that I can and have run for 20mins none stop on the previous week. Keep going you will get there. Good luck :)

Greg_M profile image

I read your post a few times and I am sure it says "I completed it" ;-)

Just one of those days, but I would refer you to a really important quote.........

"I completed it"!

You're doing just fine.

Gridlet profile image

Yes! You completed it! No buts... Well done!!

Babana profile image

Thank you so much for your support. Yes, I know I need to get it into perspective as I did complete it! Roll on Wednesday for r2!

sfb350 profile image

I found that one difficult too. Pat yourself on the back for finishing it when you were finding it tough. It's all progress !

Jeansybaby profile image

I've just comeback from Wk6 R1, and technically we did go backwards you went from running 20 minutes straight to 18 minutes with breaks in it, but don't let it bother you too much, it's a tough run, it's all about building stamina from now on, but you did it so you be proud, it'll all add up in the end.

Lunebucket profile image

If it makes you feel any better I seem to recall Laura found this run the worst too! Chin up - you did it :-)

hopelessCause profile image

Isn't this Hell week? I'm sure I read somewhere that this run is the worst one....

Igrim profile image

I did w6r1 today and because I can't download podcast had to go with jog log instead struggled - but finished - I blamed not having Laura to get me there!

Deryn61 profile image

Well done on completing run 1 of week 6!

Most people find that run a toughie, (not just many people on here, many on another forum I use say so!).

Only two days earlier we pushed ourselves to RUN for 20 mins (for some of us for the first time in 35 years!)

INo wonder this next run is a toughie, especially as mentally maybe we tend to think it will be easier as it involves shorter run intervals!

fifimas profile image

This was my toughest run so far, found it so hard physically after struggling mentally with week 5 run 3. You did it though and its onwards and upwards now!

handstand profile image

You will have great day and not such great ones. Just focus on how far you have come. Waiting to see your week 7 and 8 posts,

Just ahead of you at W6R2 - competed tonight. I'm all over the place this week. One minute I'm elated, looking forward to next run, esp if I'm thinking about tonight's run which went well. Then I'm nervous about the next 4 x 25 minute runs and less than optimistic. It's a real rollercoaster. I feel that the positivity disappears really quickly, leaving us with a lack of confidence. That's where this forum comes into its own. The other runners remind us that we've come so far and that the programme has been carefully designed to get us there, to W9R3 and beyond. Oh dear, there I go again, nearly regained some confidence and optimism. What did I say about rollercoaster...

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