I can't believe it! I actually completed the whole course! W9R3 - done!!
I started on Easter Sunday (21st April) unable to do all the 60 second runs, thinking what a stupid idea this was, and felt like I was going backwards I was so slow!
Here I am today, still really slow, but I can run for 30 minutes! I did 3.47km this morning and I am thrilled with that!
I started this to help with my ongoing weight loss, I've lost just over 5 stone from my heaviest, 15lbs of that whilst doing C25K, I think it's actually slowed up the Weightloss but it certainly has toned me up, my bum no longer feels like it's nearly dragging on the floor behind me!!
If you've just started, or are struggling, please keep going, I have cried at the end of some of the runs sometimes at the relief it's over, but my goodness it's worth it, it's far more than getting fit, it's good for your mind, body and soul!
I'll stop rambling now, I shall go and bask in my glory, I hope you have a wonderful day π