Finished the last run of week 8 yesterday and was amazed when map my run said I had just completed 5k before Laura came on telling me to slow down !! Really happy and didn't go mad and managed to keep a similar pace throughout the 28mins. Having at least a couple of day's rest before starting the last week. Hope everyone's having a great week- end !
Finished WK8 R3: Finished the last run of week... - Couch to 5K
Finished WK8 R3

Congratulations on completing run 3 of week 8 _Wayne Lad, only 3 runs to go until you graduate, as far as the time, remember that the 5 minute warm up walk at the beginning which counts in the overall time, only the running parts count in the later stages, however if you did complete 5K in 28 minutes congratulations. 😊 🏃
Thanks AlMorr yes I only use Map My Run when I start running and stop it when I stop so as not to count the warm up and cool downs.
Congratulations then, it looks like you maybe among the 10% of people who graduate C25K by running a 5K in less than 30 minutes, however, I think the rules are that you must still run for 30 minutes 3 times to get your graduation badge, in that case you could run more than a 5K.

Well done! The end is in sight eh! And smashing that 5k already!
Congratulations! That finish line is within touching distance now. Enjoy the rest days and all the best for the last week! And already hitting 5K, what an achievement! Winner!