Feeling a bit miffed with myself ... Decided week four looks too difficult so held myself back to week three ... Anyone got advice to help me move on pleased?
Back a week: Feeling a bit miffed with myself... - Couch to 5K
Back a week

Try this healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
You can do this.........if you believe you can.
Just do it, I am pushing myself more than I thought I could, dont overthink it, on the runs that are longer just start real slow.

Thanks ... I will!

Learn to run slowly! Your brisk walk can be faster than your run. There’s a great short film on youtube showing the Japanese slow jogging technique. It’s a low impact style of running (I run this way all the time) , it might suit you if you’re struggling as the durations increase. I found it at w6, wish I’d found it earlier!!

At some point around week 3 run 2 I decided to just put trust into the program over the little voice in my head - if I followed the programme then I could do the next run and the next, I haven't looked back since!

If you have no medical or other problems, try to take easy on the fear to run. If you can, go for the next stage. You can always come back.
Of course there's nothing wrong with repeating a week but if it's only a confidence issue, then take the leap.
Any run is good, so either way you gain.
Don’t worry about it, if you find it too difficult you’ll only lose the motivation to continue, the key thing is that even if you re-do a week you are still out there and you are still benefitting from the runs you are doing, it’s not a failure it’s just making you better prepared to attempt week 4 when you are ready. It’s good to have a challenge though because just think of how amazing you’ll feel when you get through it. I found each week of C25K to be a series of achievements as you are continuing to take yourself to places that you’d not necessarily been before.
Trust the training. If you’ve done all the runs prior to week four, then you are ready. Take it slowly and take it easy, just don’t stop. Trust the training and believe in yourself!

Crack on! Even if you have to do extra week 4 sessions because you don't complete them first time, you'll be less miffed with yourself because you tried.
Thank you

Don't think about it - the barrier is mental rather than physical as the programme has actually prepared you physically for each progression. Just go for it - and remember to run really slowly so you can complete each session. Good luck!

I had finished week 3 and then did my back in. I did the first one of week 4 ( which actually wasn’t too bad) but as my back got worse I didn’t run for over a week. I then dropped back and did another week 3 run , my backs feeling better so this morning I did my second week 4 run and it was fine! The thing is you are getting fitter than you think so it’s not actually that much of a step up! Good luck!

If you're listening to it on the c25k app, I think Jo Whiley is the best mentor. I'm on week 8 and use her, she is so down to earth and really helped me with my positivity.
Did you try Week 4 or just get scared looking at the jump? Try it, you might surprise yourself. If you can't do it, then there is absolutely no shame in repeating a week until you find yourself ready to move on.
Please don't look at it as holding yourself back, if you aren't ready you might injure yourself and therefore you're making a really positive decision to repeat until your body is stronger and you feel more confident!
Good luck
Give it a try you never know if you can’t quite manage it yet just keep practising and trying. You can do this though!!!

Is that the one where it jumps to 5 mins & 8 mins? If so I remember being scared of that one & thinking it seemed a bit of a leap after week 3. The programme is really good & really well designed though, and it can be done, it’s not as difficult as it looks. Someone said at the time that you’ve already doubled the amount of running you’re doing when you move from 90 seconds to 3 mins, which hadn’t occurred to me.
Good luck, you can do it!

If you completed wk3 then move on to wk4. If you don't manage to complete a run (though I have every confidence you will ) then just repeat that run until you've nailed it.
C25K is more of a mental battle than I expected. But you can bash the gremlins 😈🔨🔨🔨 if needs be tell yourself I just have to get to the next tree, lamppost etc and you'll soon find you've gone the distance. Above all go slow then slow some more
Believe in the program and believe in you 👍

I start week 4 after work today. Must admit I am nervous about it too but know I need to be positive. I’m going to give it a good go! I was nervous about week 3 but did it so starting to trust the programme!

Hi BJH. Well Done you. In week 3 you ran for 3 minutes! That’s twice the time you ran the week before! Trust the plan! It works! 5 minutes is no where near twice the 3 minutes you did SEVERAL TIMES! Last week.
Go for it. The plan has prepared you for it. Feel the fear - and do it anyway.
It really is well worth the exhilaration that you will feel at the end of that run. Will look out for an excited update please.
You are not alone! I was not confident to move onto W4 so I repeated W3R3. We worry too much! When I did my W4R1 I really enjoyed it, I took it slow and stay focused, it was not that bad actually. Keep us posted!

I felt like this every week but if you’ve done the previous weeks you’ll find that you can get through it. I graduated last week and couldn’t believe that in only nine weeks I can run for half an hour
Not an issue. Did it for 3,4 and 5 and then did 6,7,8,9 in a row. You will get there

It’s probably all been said but it’s worth saying again 😀
1. Run slow - if it hurts run slower. It’s amazing how slow you can run
2. Be positive - you can do this, the programme has made your body ready for this.
3. Trust the programme - it really does work and if it works for thousands of other people it will work for you.
4. Don't fear week 4 ( being a bit nervous is ok 😂) you done more already to your body than you need to do in this week
5. Look forward to that fantastic feeling when you finish the week.
Best of luck to you - we’ve all felt how you are feeling and we’re all willing you on!
Tell us how it goes

Week 4 was a turning point for me. Up until then, I’d only enjoyed completing the runs and the sense of achievement but during week 4, I found myself enjoying the runs because my fitness had improved enough for that.
I even ran in a hailstorm coming off the North Sea and enjoyed it. It might be your turning point too. 😁
I had serious doubts about both W3 and W4. I managed W4R1 last night without major problem and feel so proud. Don’t overthink it, trust in the program and just do it! You can get through it!

What works for me is to not look ahead and to only click on the run I am about to do. That way I don't worry. If you already know what's coming up then this won't work. Perhaps put your faith and trust in the design of the programme and how it is working for hundreds of us lucky people who have discovered it and got up off the couch.
You have to trust the program it works I started and I thought that now my next run is W5R2 all I can say is try and push yourself and tell yourself you can do it that’s all I can say
I am on Week 6 & loving it although I am feeling the challenge. I use Jo Whiley as my mentor. She is brilliant as she has done this herself & felt the pain & is encouraging but in no way patronising. Think good positive things when you are running & you can succeed. Keep going & Good Luck😉

My doctor told me yday that if I needed to repeat a week that was fine. However today I do w4r3, I had the same doubts as you but I went straight into w4 and just slowed it all down and all good. Yes its difficult but afterwards its a real buzz.

I did wk4 run1 yesterday and I loved it because I really began to feel as if I was running! I agree with all the comments above, especially the slow running advice. Just go for it!

I did w3 r3 this morning. I completed it but found the three minute runs hard. I was going to do some of the w3 runs again but after reading the replies to your post I think I'm going to go for w4. I think i just need a bit more confidence in myself. How hard can it be!

I just finished the program on Sunday. Every week, I’d look ahead to see what was coming and every week I thought “there’s no way I’ll be able to do that”. Then the time would come to try it and I’d be able to do it! I remember doing the first 8min run and being actually scared before doing it! Trust the program. I run like a snail too by the way. I think it helps.

Sometimes you have to bite the bullet. I was the same and had to push myself. I then got injured and went back to Week 5 after a long break. I recently trained up to 7k for a running event ( I will NOT call them races) but I am still scared about pushing distances even when I have done them already. To me it is self belief and confidence 'cos at 55 years I have never run these distances before!
I keep telling myself, if you dont make it and have to re run or go back a week, really does it matter?? I mean really?
Go on push yourself, make sure you do the warm up so you reduce the risk but if you don't manage it does not matter as long as you keep trying!
Look, you are doing something that is great and you are already running more than probably at least 90% of the rest of the country do. Put some good music on and go for it.
Don't stop me now, I'm havin such a good time, I'm having a ball..........
(PS I want lyric like this on my running shirts, anyone know where, Forest Gump hat ordered
I was doing OK and had completed week 3 last week, then had a birthday weekend (lots of excess everything!) it's set me back and I have decided to repeat week 3 this week, I'm annoyed at myself but the main thing is I'm still doing it, any progress however small is better than staying on the couch... Good luck!

Hi BJH. Please tell me you did week 4? You ran twice as long in week 3 than you did in W2. Week 4 is not as much as twice week3. You can do it!
Then you will be nearly half way through the program. THE PROGRAM WORKS! Trust it!

I like jogun likelys suggestion of setting yourself markers to aim for - really helps focus and can take your mind off how long you are running for. I gave up looking forward on the programme at week 4 as I didn’t want to let my mind panic about the step ups but to trust the programme as each run came up - might help?

Don’t look too far ahead... also if you are finding it too tough, you may need to slow down a little more - look into slow jogging!!
I know it goes against the program, and I wouldn’t recommend it as the program in itself is excellent, but for my own headspace, on the last (3rd) run of the week I jog an extra 30 seconds or minute (depending how I feel)... by doing this I don’t feel like the next week progress is so daunting... as I say, that it what I do to help keep me motivated...