Just a little reminder ..I have just graduated and slipped a bit on training ..have to get the discipline back to run 3 times a week. Anyway ...I completed a run and found it hard, ( probably because I dropped from Laura’s 3 a week to 2/1 a week ) & felt a bit dispondent ...& then my friend sent me this. It’s an old one ...but reminded me that even a bad week/bad run is a good run! It’s old but I needed to see it ..so re sharing for any of you that are struggling. X I think it’s self explanatory.....keep going even if you have a bad day/week/...it’s just that ....xxx
Just a reminder : Just a little reminder ..I... - Couch to 5K
Just a reminder

Excellent. 👍🎉 I want to send you the photo my Running Daughter sent me but can’t figure out how. 🙄 Anyway, it says: A 60 minute 5K is just as far as a 15 minute 5K. 👍🐢

Love this motivational post! 😊

Life sometimes gets in the way of our good intentions, better 1 or 2 runs a week than non at all 😉👍

Isnt it weird how motivating it was to complete the c25k and get to graduation? I’ve then struggled with the next stage and find myself coming up with many reasons to not run - and all of a sudden it’s been 2 weeks since I last run
I need a plan
I did too ! Starting to get back into it. It helped finding Someone to go with. I also downloaded some other pod casts. My friend just said to download “jog on”. A good biography. Is there a park run near you ? I’ve done two very very slowely. That’s Kept me going as the July want to do a run in between. In between run seems even slower but out there. If this all fails I am going to persuade someone else to do c25k. I am also going to down load the other Laura pods.