3 minutes 3 whole minutes. On week 1 I couldn't even run 1 minute without wanting to give up but I did 3 not once but twice. I'm so freaking proud of myself. I have felt rotten the last couple of runs with various symptoms related to my health, but today I've felt okay, almost normal so to be able to run and smile while running has been something I could only ever dream of. Baby steps but I'm doing it. I'm sticking at this. I Come to realize everyone's journey is going to be completely different but any victory however big or small needs to be celebrated. In my last post I said 'I haven't come this far to just come this far' and I haven't because each week I'm getting stronger, I'm running longer I'm proving to myself I'm more than what I ever though I could be. I'm taking back some control over my strength. I'm improving my mental health and well being. I laugh when I run. I smile when I run but the weirdest thing of all is when I finish each run I cry. I cry because I should have believed in myself. I cry because I feel accomplished. I cry because I feel so happy I dont know how else to release the emotions. So I just want to say to everyone that no matter how much you think you can't. You can. Until Wednesday.
Week 3 run 1!!!: 3 minutes 3 whole minutes. On... - Couch to 5K
Week 3 run 1!!!

Great work... this particular emotionless male has cried at the end of a couple of runs too so you’re not alone... let it all out I say.
That smiling during the run... well some may think it’s pure crazy, but check this out theconversation.com/how-to-... it actually helps! Keep smiling, keep enjoying yourself and keep being emotional... you got this.

What a lovely positive post and fantastic pic. You are doing so well...keep on believing in yiurself because yiu are worth it. My next run is wednesday too.

Well done! I surprised myself by laughing on some of my runs too, I think it was out of delight that I was doing such an amazing thing! And I definitely cried quite a lot, usually when Laura told me I was doing really well 😂
Taking control of your fitness and improving your life can be an emotional thing, and you’re doing brilliantly! Enjoy your running 😊

Wicked, that is so fantastic to read. Take advantage of the good days, don't beat yourself up on the bad days. A run is a run, and every so often, one comes along that reminds us why we're doing it. You go, girl! 🙌

Wait till you get through 5:3 - I wept buckets ! Emotion is a perfectly reasonable and healthy response to overcoming all the challenges in the programme and around doing it, so go you ! And you have a fabulous smile: your photo has really lifted my day x

You’re doing so well! Keep enjoying it x