Start W9R1 tomorrow evening I know I can run for 30mins but at graduation are you not suppose to run 5KM in 30mins as at the moment it takes me around 40mins to complete 5KM. How do I start to quicken my pace and what pace do I need to be at to achieve it
W9R1: Start W9R1 tomorrow evening I know I can... - Couch to 5K

The objective of the program is to run for 30 minutes three times in one week.
Whilst "C25K" is a catchy title, it is not accurate. But "C2r430m3xi1w" is a bit of a mouthful.
Once you have graduated from C25K and then done 4 weeks of consolidation - just running for 30 minutes for the sheer pleasure of it - then post here again and we'll help you learn some techniques to run faster - if that is your objective after consolidation.

No you don't need to run a 5K in 30 minutes to graduate, as long as you run three times for 30 minutes that is what qualifies you after run 3.
After you graduate and run 6/30 minute consolidation runs then you can practice your pace and run a full 5K distance whether it's in 30 minutes or longer, not long now until you graduate, good luck. 👍 🏃 😊

Just the 30 mins. This really is ‘learn to run for 30 minutes’ but c25k is a sexier title! After you’ve graduated you should consolidate this by doing a few weeks of 3x30 and then you can work on pace or increased duration to get to the magic number!
Thanks you all for your practical advice