I had already taken the dog for a 15,000 steps hike but quite fancied a lie in tomorrow so did my run at 5pm today. Wore a vest but as temperatures were warmish and I overheat I got home looking like a red cabbage. Had some chesty coughs when I finished so don’t know what all that’s about (maybe the heat or I’ve swallowed a fly) 😂 but done and off the couch. Don’t forget to put your clocks forward tonight ⏰
Consolidation Run 3: I had already taken the dog... - Couch to 5K
Consolidation Run 3

Are you wearing a running vest or just a normal vest top?
Hopefully the chesty coughs are just from the deep breathing while running. Or maybe you’re clearing out some pollen?
Well done on CR3 n enjoy your lie in! 😁
I wore an old running vest Jill which is too tight to be honest and won’t be wearing again but did the job today...didn’t have a running t-shirt so think that’s next on my list. Didn’t think of pollen, I literally haven’t stopped coughing and can hear a slight wheeze so maybe something’s disagreed with me. Have a lovely Saturday evening.
I need a proper running top too, been wearing cotton vest tops but need something proper now it’s warmer
Are you asthmatic? Could be the pollen plus deep breathing has triggered an asthma attack? Or maybe you’ve picked up a bug. Hope it eases off soon 🤞 Hope you have a great evening too, cough permitting
Well done you.
Beautiful photo - was it your run today? I’m lucky enough to be running somewhere similar. I feel very fortunate to have it on my doorstep.

Well done for another successful run. That looks lovely!
Gorgeous place to run... I love a pine forest track, I do. I’ve also got a chest infection - not been able to run for eight days now... ☹️. I hope your’s doesn’t linger x x

How are you doing your consolidation runs? Is there another app to download or are you just timing yourself for 30 minutes?
I use Endonondo which tells me intervals and 30 minutes or just repeat W9 for 3 more weeks

Keep an eye on the "middle of Lidl", they do running gear every so often, picked up three running tops last week for £3.99 and was very impressed with how they performed this week !