After an awful attempt last week and suffering with knee pain, a trip to the docs today fuelled my desire to complete a 20 minute run and I did it!!!
I asked the doc about my knee, talked about the pain I got after 10 minutes running, his advice was Rice and only run for 5 minutes instead on a soft surface. I'd asked for a physio referral and he said no as the pain only started on Friday. I come out feeling deflated.
Came home, got changed and put on a new knee strap, but then had to take Mr T to minors as he had some brick dust in his eye which has scratched his cornea. (back story was 2 teen to 20 year olds tried to steal his motorbike last night from the gardenand he was drilling a metal plate to the wall without googles this afternoon)
So after we got back, and after a quick chat about latteral ligaments (husband again, skiing woes from the other week) I thought I'm bloody well doing it today if it kills me.
5 mins in I was wobbling, couldn't get a rhythm but by 10 mins I was doing great. 15 mins passed and I started smiling as I knew I was going to make it to 20 mins.
The sense of achievement is mahoosive 😀
Knee is fine. Tops of me legs sore but they haven't worked that hard in years!
Week 6 here I come!