AAARRRGGG!!! Didn’t enjoy that tonight 🙁! You’ll all be pleased to hear I kept to my promise and took it slow and steady! Partly because my knees were sore before I started! Probably shouldn’t have run tonight but I’m away next couple of days so won’t get out again until Sunday! Ran the full 28 minutes no problem but legs were heavy whole way and couldn’t get into a comfortable rythm! Checked Runkeeper at the end and didn’t get close to 4km and a lot slower than my normal running speed, I think maybe I went too slow if anything 🙁! Never mind onwards and upwards to Sunday fingers crossed for a better one 🙂. Sorry for being a Neggie Nigel 🙄
Week 8 Run 2: AAARRRGGG!!! Didn’t enjoy that... - Couch to 5K
Week 8 Run 2

There’s no such thing as too slow here: you did what you needed to do to get round, so well done - be proud of you ! Make the most of the extra rest and come back refreshed x

Well done for getting out there. Didn't sound like a pretty one but we all have those runs where it's just a case of getting through it and onto the next. Not sure we can go too slow (I've tried)! Enjoy your few days away and good luck for Sunday - hope this weather improves x

The point is you ran the full 28 minutes, that's what is asked of you don't worry about distance at the moment that will come later, great run 😊😊😊
This is still encouraging. Sorry to hear about your sore knees. Look after those knees though. Enjoy those few days awayxx
Well done for doing it. And running for 28 minutes 👏 I am dreading the thought of that week. W6R2 today so little way to go. Rest those knees 😊

Thanks Thermo, ah you will be fine when you get to it 👍. You’ve done the hard bits already, last couple of weeks is consolidation 🙂

Well done for carrying on and getting through. The key is to find your own sweet spot, and if is a bit faster than some of us then so be it. I'm also finding these later runs are making me sore... I was very sore at the start of the programme, which I felt was only to be expected. Then in weeks 5-7 I felt a million dollars. Now in week 9, I'm uncomfortable all the time again, though a gentle walk does seem to ease that a little. Oh well... Good luck with your next run - hope it's better.