Has anyone jogged during high winds and rain? I'm just curious. Looks bad tomorrow. Debating to bring my jogging gear to work in case it changes. Do I need googles so the wind doesn't dry out my eyes?? lol
Jogging in high winds and rain: Has anyone... - Couch to 5K
Jogging in high winds and rain

I have ran in high winds 45mph , and I've ran in rain but not the two together , I'm supposed to run tomorrow as well but not sure yet

😂. Never had my eyes dry out... but thinking about it I probably blink more!
Depends how bad the rain is... I drove through some new streams off the fields this morning and if they were much deeper, goggles could be required!
Wind is a challenge... can’t say I ever enjoy it during the run, but when it’s done I’m proud of it.
I say pack the running gear... you can decide not to run then, but if you don’t take it you can’t then decide to run!
Running gear it is. Never know it may change tomorrow. I'll check around for my goggles lol
Hi UNM, I have Just heard a news item on the radio saying that death metal fans are the nicest people you can ever meet.
Many of the first generation were good Christian kids rebelling a little... although the music is accused of being satanic a lot, I have yet to meet anyone of that persuasion into the death metal scene, it’s just like a horror movie lots of the time. Black metal had its issues in Norway with idiots way back, luckily it didn’t cross over to here.

Yes to both...running in the rain is fantastic, but in high winds it can be horrible and potentially dangerous (flying tree branches etc.). I'd say running in severe wind is best avoided.
That was my reasoning this morning when I should have been doing W5R1. Wind horrendous and down right dangerous. A run can wait if it could potentially be your last!!

I hate treadmills, but I would go on a treadmill no problem in this weather. I ran today in 45 mph wind, thankfully it was not raining. But I have been out in both.

Weather's been known to change. I'll pack my gear. Thanks everyone.

I've run in pouring rain, sloshing through deep puddles that may as well have been a paddling pool, laughing like a loon! I do highly recommend waterproof socks though! 🤣👍
High winds is just like resistance training 😉
Unless you wrap up your feet in bin liners there are no known waterproof socks that can keep them dry from what hit me today. The shoes will take some time to dry even with all the paper that l stuffed inside. Like swimming class, pretty much.
Dexshell super thin 👍 water can trickle down and in but so far nothing has come through. Drying shoes can be a right pain. Biggest soaking took 3 days to dry out fully 🤣🤣

I’ve been out in the rain a few of times now (I’m on week 4) and it’s nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I was dreading it the first time, but forced myself out as I didn’t want to start making excuses, and I was glad I did it.
Well done on week 4. I really enjoyed the c25k. I was always putting it off but I but the bullet and I really enjoy it now.
Thanks! I’m enjoying it so far. One of the hardest things has been finding time to go out (and in particular having to time it so I can go between my four month old’s feeds!) Next week looks a bit daunting though, especially the 20 run at the end of week 5...

Love running in the rain usually but this weather is grim, todaybwe had driving rain and gale force winds all day I opted for the dreadmill and for once I didn't regret it. Wind is the worst thing to run in ever apart from the other day where there was gale force winds and intermittent blazing sunshine when they died down.

Yes I did last run and it was hard but I did feel virtuous afterwards! Take it in case...

I've been out this morning in the high winds, no rain though. I've been lucky so far with it not raining on my days! Go for it, if anything it helps your resistance lol

I was running in the wind, at one stage it pushed me along lol. Ive never had any problems with my eyes. Just give it a go, if no good at least you are out and about! Be mindful and enjoy the moment. Good luck
Lots of trees where I live, too dangerous in this wind, I’m staying safe. You will have lots of opportunities to run in fine weather, stay safe.
Omg I was out last night ! I was drenched, more wet than when I've come out a shower! But it was my best run by far, I kept cool and just loved it.
Run out against the wind and back with it behind you: I do find the wind affects my breathing tho. ; I wear a baraclava when it’s like this.
Get yourself some waterproof trainers they are brilliant while I ve never run in the conditions you’re describing I have run and done Bootcamp in everything from rain and snow my feet were cosy wasn’t bothered about the rest of me was fab 👍
I ran yesterday in high winds and heavy rain it was fine. like I always say there is no such thing as bad weather it’s only the wrong cloths that make it bad. I just made sure I got warm and dry as soon as I got in the house.

I went out for a run yesterday lunch but had to stop after 2k. Running in the rain is nice but when it becomes horizontal hail and every road and path becomes a bath, that's enough for me!

I ran past another runner this morning (get me, runner 😁) and she was wearing a long thick winter coat 😳

It's not fun. But satisfying when you get home. Into the wind is definitely much harder. Ran yesterday with wind behind me and I was quite fast!

Don’t mind the rain as it keeps me cool but rain no. It’s alriggt if it’s behind you but as soon as it’s in your face it’s a nightmare and gusts simply take your breathe away screwing your breathing up. I’d wait till tomorrow it won’t kill to take another day off. There’s no wind forecast tomorrow but looks like it’s back again Friday so you’ll potentially have 2 windy runs😱

I’m due to run right now, but I’m chickening out! Winds are picking up and whilst I want to run W9R1 I have decided I am not a masochist!

I know that problem. My week 9 programme is disrupted badly.
Found a pay as you go gym in the town near me so will join for the month.
Hopefully better weather to come😃
I love running in rain, I do wear a hat mainly to keep earphones in ears and dry but nothing better than rain on your face, as long as you are not near any trees should be fine in wind, head down, off you go..... w8r3!!!

Maybe the weather changes ... or you will have a time-slot with less wind or rain. I had been running in high winds, but it's not fun ... and I often had headwind when there was a hill!! My problem with high winds is that it's heavy to breath in headwind!
In winter I don't like (and don't do) running in heavy rain. Light rain is ok ...
You think that the wind could dry out your eyes? When there is wind I'm crying all the time when running. 😂 But I think that is because my eyes are very sensitive.
I ran in strong wind this morning. Slowed me up running into it but pretty invigorating. Fortunately it didn’t rain!

I don't mind the rain, I dislike the wind, both together I give it a miss. I worry that I might miss my footing if I cannot look ahead properly.
I’m also planning to run this afternoon. I think we’re just set for the wind, not the rain. I’ve run in both, but not at the same time. The wind was more of an issue than the rain, purely because the gusts nearly knocked me off my feet, which was a surprise, being as I am heavy with a low centre of gravity (like a Weeble). 🤣

Running in high winds isn’t easy at all, but not as bad as you imagine! I found that because I knew it was so windy, I expected myself to be slower and find it harder etc, but in fact I got loads of PBS and best achievements! So I was pleasantly surprised after my run! Maybe something to do with reverse psychology thinking the runs going to be awful and then it isn’t!

I was out for my usual run this morning and at one point I think I was going backwards. Just joking. The wind gusts were very strong and did slow me up but not too much. The lashing rain was worse and I got cold and soaked, though as others on this forum have said skin's waterproof. Enjoyed my hot shower all the more when I got home.

Yes, did last night. Very strong winds and had been lashing down with rain all day. Put on a pair of cycling waterproofs and off we went. No problem. Nice hot bath on return, felt great. Just do it......

I ran in the high winds this morning but it was in a safe area - the beach. I'm not sure I would run through ancient woodland in high winds! I did get whipped by sand a few times and ran with my eyes shut on a couple of occasions.
I've only run in light rain so far which was not planned, I thought it would ran harder but it petered out. My concession to rain is a baseball cap to prevent the rain in the eyes thing but not really been exposed to a proper down fall yet.

I’m just off to run w8r3 along the seafront- the wind looks pretty horrendous, but I did it the other day, so I’ll manage! It does bugger about with your breathing when it’s this windy though. Anyway- onwards!!
I must say, I was quite surprised how enjoyable it is. I ran last Wednesday evening with high winds and then 5 minutes into the run the heaven's opened, but it didn't stop me. I couldn't see through my glasses and got really really soaked, but I did it. Suzy, my Jack Russell and running partner, was not so keen but bless her, she kept going too.
The best part is coming home, jumping into the shower and then getting some warm clothes on. Go for it. You'll enjoy it.

Ran yesterday in rain and a strong head wind, headed off at a 10k pace then decided to turn round at 2.5k. I was surprise that the tail wind wasn’t as supportive as I imagined on the return. Wish I hadn’t bothered but a run is a run. I would take your stuff and see, you never know the clouds may part for you and you’ll a great run.

I laughed in the rain as I got soaked and looked like the only loon out!! High wind us torture..stamina building but blahhhh!!! Keep safe whichever way 🙂

Yes, I've run in the high winds and rain. A little challenging, certainly with breathing. Felt like sometimes I wasn't moving forward!

I've run in wind and rain wearing glasses - visibility became an issue once or twice so my run ended a bit earlier than planned! 😁

Had a rainy run again yesterday..trying to keep to HM plan...did great until one misery bombed me with a puddle..then truly soaked from head to toe!!! Mantra...curse a bit then “keep on running” 😉 ..