Very large lady. (I mean massive): I completed... - Couch to 5K

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Very large lady. (I mean massive)

Twinkle2 profile image
38 Replies

I completed the first weeks 3 runs last week and have just completed W2r1. I ran last week in my jeans and big coat because...well, I am extremely large. I am fortunate enough to live in a rural area and on all of my runs last week did not see anyone. My issue is whether I will have the guts to keep on running if I do see someone (I don’t want to end up a meme or YouTube video). On the 5 minute cool down walk tonight I met a passer by and was so pleased they hadn’t been 3 min earlier. How do I deal with this and the negative comments I am bound to get. I don’t want anything to put me off. I am loving this!!!

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Twinkle2 profile image
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38 Replies
Kimbov profile image

Firstly well done you. I have struggled with weight for years and the hardest part is getting started. It takes a lot of guts.

I advise you to download some music and get some good headphones. Put them in and focus on what you are doing and the music.

I firmly believe that if people see you exercising they will admire you and if they don’t they aren’t worth bothering about.

You are doing an amazing thing for both your physical and mental health, keep that and your goals at the forefront of your mind.

Well done you xxx

Dralimc profile image

1. Please get yourself some running gear you feel comfortable in.

2. No one will say negative comments (in earshot anyway). Eyes forward, plug yourself into your favourite music and you are running, whilst they are walking/driving.

3. You are doing positive stuff for you! You absolutely deserve to be out there as much as anyone.

4. Enjoy the good feelings it’s giving you.

Happy running 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

Bodg profile image

Well done for getting out there. I am also large and run the gauntlet that people could comment/shout or video. The people I have met during my eight weeks have only had positive reactions and friendly greetings. I think they realise we are trying to change for the better.

Norfolkmummy profile image

Awww Twinkle that sounds really tough on you. What others think really shouldn’t matter, but I. An see that it obviously does and what others think can be a motivation for wanting to change. Mostly the change is for you though. I am also large and have a treadmill at home as I’m not ready to face the outside world. But I will have to at some point. The fact that you have got through the first run or two and “love it” means you are meant to carry on regardless. ! You are doing great!

Cuppacat profile image

I felt like you did. I am 4 stone overweight and very self conscious. I started running at dusk and at our local field. Have to say that I never experienced any negative comments, maybe these were uttered in their heads 😂

I now feel better about running outside and have completed a couple of Parkruns and everyone there was lovely and supportive. I think most people genuinely would be positive and think good on her for trying. Keep going 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Jooliewoolie profile image

Fantastic that your out there. Who cares what anyone thinks. If anyone does say negative comments it's them with the problem not you. You go girl and don't let anyone get in your way

Bazza1234 profile image

Do you have a parkrun near to you? You need to start mixing with the right kind of people :) - people who are thinking the same as you . The great majority of runners are very inclusive towards non-runners starting out. This is because running is HARD - for both beginners and experienced runners. Experienced runner know how hard it is at the beginning - they have all been there themselves.

Nightingale62 profile image

First of all well done for getting out there and having a go. I am glad you are enjoying it. I take you have spoken to your gp and got his ok to start exercising. Very slow but steady is the mantra.

Apart from decent trainers and supportive bra, you can run in old pair of leggings and longish t shirt.

Plenty of time to get some chic leggings in the future. And that day will come, don't worry.

You may even feel more confident in some 'running gear' . Initially everyone is embarrassed to be seen running even if they are size 8. You always think everyone is watching you. To be honest most people more interested in their own lives than to give you more than a passing glance.

If it safe to wear them, then headphones or even sunglasses can be good for helping to avoid seeing or hearing what other people say.

I think you need to give yourself a pat on the back for having the courage to help yourself get fit. I wish you well. Let us know how your journey goes.

Bazza1234 profile image

Also - search Youtube for successful weight loss people - there are lots of people who were very large and have lost half their body weight. There are many that had physical impediments - consider Arthur's transformation

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to Bazza1234

What an inspirational video I nearly cried , your body will work for you if you put the effort in😊

lattelass profile image
lattelassGraduate in reply to Buddy34

What an amazing story. I loved it, thanks for sharing.

Jazio profile image

Go for it... get some comfy running clothes and ignore anyone who thinks about poking fun... when u graduate and feel fitter ... well who will be laughing then :-)

ItstheMarchHare profile image

It was seeing someone who is larger than me (but younger) doing Couch to 5k that gave me the hope I could at least try. I’m so please I did and I owe it all to that larger lady for showing me it was possible. Go out there with pride and be an inspiration to others xx.

SeeJillRun profile image

Good on you for going for it! I’m about 4 n a half stone overweight n have had nothing but positive comments from people I have seen. I even had a wolf whistle, which I chose to believe was from someone who likes a larger lady. After all, no one told me any different! If you do get any negative comments just use them as fuel to spur you on. Best of luck!

Jell6 profile image

Brilliant for getting out there.

The only essential gear is your trainers, they will be crucial, whatever else you wear, as long as you are comfortable, go for it.

Whenever I see larger people running, even before I started running myself I always thought "well done, having a go!"

Good luck, take it very slowly and post your runs. You will get loads of support and advice on here.😊

Teacher26 profile image

Honestly even if people have negative comments or thoughts (which I genuinely don’t think they will) you’re still doing better than them by just getting out there and trying. Well done you !!

You said it, "don't let anything put you off!" You are doing this for you and no one else. If it makes you feel good then sod everyone else, just keep going with a huge grin on your face! Focus on the bigger picture your personal goals! 🤗💞👍

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading and mentions that you are far more likely to get positive comments, if anybody even notices you.

What does it matter what the small minded think? You are doing this for yourself, so forget about those negative beings and enjoy the journey.

Tasha99 profile image

I think most people will think well done to you and anyone who doesn’t isn’t worth thinking about it. BTW did you not know that runners are invisible to most people? 😂

Buddy34 profile image

Just keep going and forget everyone else, anybody that's got something bad so say is just jealous that it's not them that's running , keep going please and keep coming back here and let us know how you are getting on good luck😊😊

pugmumma profile image

Agree with all the advice on here. I am also a big gal and decided that I would just ignore the haters and do it anyway. And in fact no one has said a thing so far and I have had a few positive statements. A friend announced that she was off for her first run tonight as I had inspired her to try it. Do get some good trainers and a supportive sports bra and then otherwise it is just something comfortable - tracksuit or leggings and a big T-shirt. And this forum is fantastic !

Lindylou2006 profile image

You stick 2 fingers up and strike a pose . Who cares what you look like,you are getting out and getting fit. Well done chicken, you're doing great. Dont let haters make you stop, let them make you stronger xxx

rutheliza profile image

well done for getting out there and enjoying it. I was also nervous about anyone seeing me when I started. But one of the nicest things I've found about running is that you stop caring what you look like and what others think of you. Whenever I pass someone running, especially if they're larger, I feel nothing but admiration for them

Twinkle2 profile image

Wow! So I heard this forum was supportive but I am overwhelmed by all the support I have received. Many many thanks for taking the time to reply and for your tips and advice. Next run on weds and will try and lose the coat. I do have good trainers and bra. Sunglasses is a fabulous tip!! If I can’t see them then they can’t see me...right.

I’ll keep you posted...once again, thank you 🙏😊

Lauren_ICanDoThis profile image

You should be so proud of your self for doing this, and for completing your first week. Well done!

I too have a large amount of weight to lose, and my biggest challenge initially was the demons in my head. I was sure I would get negative comments, but I am now into week 7 and have only seen smiles and heard positive comments. People will simply see someone who is doing something positive, that's if they even notice you.

I agree with the other comments on here about getting into some leggings and a tshirt; you will certainly find it more comfortable to run in than jeans (and you may find it makes running easier as you can move more freely).

Keep going, and keep posting in here too- you will get lots of support and encouragement from everyone on here.


123-wjt profile image

Wo Well done 😃. You are already making a positive step and Inspiring others. No one said it would be easy! But thousands of people on here a proof that it is possible/do-able. As other have said it seems quite normal to be self conscious at first. I am too. But I just think “I’ve got as much right to be doing what I’m doing - as you doing what you’re doing”. 😂. Good luck girl and keep with it. You won’t regret it 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Gmt_74 profile image

Well done for doing it for starters, I started back in January, I'm 44 years old and was 24.5 stone at the start. With only 5ft6 to carry it. I am also body conscious, however all of my work colleagues know I'm doing the programme and have been nothing but supportive, I have to say when I see a larger runner plugging away I have nothing but admiration for them, fantastic for wanting to improve themselves, my view now is that anyone that sees me and doesn't think that, is probably an opinion I'm not interested in.

UnfitNoMore profile image

Great start to this plan... you can do it.

Are you the only very large person in the local area? How long did you think about doing something to change your life? Out there somewhere near you is somebody who thinks they cant change things... they’re too big to run. What that person really needs is someone to show them that it can be done. Forget anybody who has an issue... nobody that runs 30 minutes at a time will put you down... and go inspire others like you by getting out there and doing it.

Boggle99 profile image

Love you! I am a size 20-22 and am on week 7. I have done all my running on treadmill at the gym. Was scared to death the first time for the same reasons as yours self but once my headphones are on and music blaring I try and forget. End of the day I'm never going to be skinny but if I can be fat and healthier , great. I prob wont see those people again and by lunchtime they will have forgotten all about me. I wont have forgotten me tho and need to keep reminding myself I'm doing it for me not them. My friend was 22 stone when she started ru ning last year. She has lost almost 7 stone and is running a half marathon this year. It can be done have faith and screw everyone else. Prove them wrong. You have done the hard bit by starting it xxxx

molly1973 profile image

Twinkle, you are amazing! Taking the plunge and getting four runs into the programme is fabulous and it’s clear that you are enjoying it. There have been some wonderful, supportive and practical comments: I want to echo these. I too am overweight: at least 4 stones and running is damn hard but I love it! This programme has pretty much changed my life, or at least put me into the right direction. I struggle to find good kit that fits well (choose at least a size bigger because they always come up small, cut out the labels if necessary!) but having some supportive sports leggings is a big help if you want to try them. For the record, I have never had a negative comment, and you quickly forget about everyone around you when you’re concentrating on your pace and form. For me, the sense of satisfaction having done each run is what keeps me going: plus the amazing support here. Please keep posting x

E27M14 profile image

I was the same. The first few runs were in the dark, wearing dark clothes, trying not to be noticed. Three months on and on Sunday afternoon I realised that I had just run through the middle of a crowded park wearing Lycra, and no-one batted an eyelid. I have had words of encouragement from occasional strangers but never anything negative that I could hear! We are doing this for us, and I feel so much better for it, I hope you do too.

Pianism profile image

I'm going to use a phrase that someone used to me and nearly made me cry... you belong here with us and we are so proud of you! My target is to lose 70lbs initially and I've lost 19.5 lbs during the first 7 weeks of the programme through following C25k, walking most days and eating differently (but not following a diet plan - I'm just cutting out things I know make me more hungry like bread and potatoes and eating lots of veg instead). I've followed many diets before and never managed to lose anything significant... by this point I'm always fed up and desperate for a good feed! But I really think the feeling that running gives you is so amazing and doing more exercise earns me a few calories to use for the foods I just can't live without (crisps!!). For the first time EVER, I actually feel like it's possible for me to be a normal weight again.

You can and will succeed, especially if you lean on the lovely folk here as you go through the trials and tribulations of your journey.

I wish you all the very best of success!

Beccym profile image

Well done for getting out there. Most people will not really pay any attention to you.

Those gremlins are in your head and all of our heads are probably painting a much worse scenario then wil ever happen in real life please don't let them stop you going out.

The running community is a really friendly one and other runners will for the most part give tons of encouragement.

Good luck and remember you have already done the hardest step starting!

Gmt_74 profile image

How are you getting on Twinkle2?

Twinkle2 profile image
Twinkle2Graduate in reply to Gmt_74

Hi Gmt_74. I completed W2 on Fri and I’m a little apprehensive about starting W3 tomorrow. 3 mins seems like a long time to run and my legs have just stopped aching from last week. But I AM going to do it. I did manage to lose the big coat and jeans and have found some joggers and a hoodie that are more comfortable to run in. I still run at 6am so nobody sees 😉.

How far are you into the plan?

Gmt_74 profile image
Gmt_74Graduate in reply to Twinkle2

Fantastic, well done, it's ok run at that time if that's what makes you comfortable, you'll be surprised at how well you step up to 3 minutes, I was amazed. I finished week 8 this morning, it seems bonkers that I was worried about going from 90 seconds to 3 minutes 6 weeks ago, and now I'm doing 28 minutes and I am still top side of 23 stone, just keep plugging away, pace is unimportant. You're doing great.

Oldgirlruns profile image

Plenty of us bigger girls out there. Like you’ll have seen already, the chances are you’ll be invisible to most people but if you feel someone’s looking at you, get in there first with a cheery smile and a ‘good morning/afternoon/evening’!! You’ll get the same back I’m sure! Good luck!

Larrykat profile image

I am also on the large side, and I was very self conscious, but I started my C25K journey with a running club back in September 18, we were all shapes, sizes and ages. That helped to feel less different, my solo runs I did early mornings partly because that is easier for me and partly because 4am is dark. The few dog walkers I meet are always friendly and supportive. Also since starting the park runs I am surrounded by people who cheer me on, despite my slow pace. They don't care what I look like so why should I. I run in leggings and a long t'shirt and often a fleece jacket as I struggle to warm up. You just need to keep your head up and keep running, if people stare or are rude, that's their problem not yours. Keep in mind you are doing something to change for your sake, and have nothing to be embarrassed about whether you are a size 8 or a size 38. Keep up the good work, this course help with confidence and self esteem as well as fitness.

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