Just finished the last run of week 4 and found it really hard going 😟 Did run 2 on Monday and it was fine so not sure what the problem was today. I had been doing ok up until now so feeling a bit deflated and worried about week 5
W4R3: Just finished the last run of week 4 and... - Couch to 5K

Don't worry about wk5 all the running you've done up until now has prepared you for it. Also you do get off days were a run can seem a bit rubbish but I think we all get them from time to time you can do this😊😊
Mama told me there'd be runs like this...
As you gain experience you will find that some days are just harder than others and it doesn't follow that the next run will be tricky. Don't panic

Probably it just was one of those days when you are not up to running , we all have those sort of runs, better luck next time, remember to hydrate, take week 5 slow and steady especially run 3. 😊 🏃

Each run is different... each makes you stronger...relax... slow down and just take it gently. You can do this
Check this out... and rest easy...

I agree with Buddy34 don’t worry about Wk 5 take each run as it comes, you will have good and bad ones for no reason. Hydrate and stretching before and after runs seem to help me. I’ve just finished Wk 5 and no need to worry it’s not as bad as it sounds just take it slow and you will do it. 💪

Having a tough one means you get to show yourself just how much tougher you are by beating it... great job. We all get tough runs, and the one that follows is usually much smoother.

We all get less than brilliant runs, but there is usually a reason.
Most new runners imagine that they can just bolt on a strenuous exercise regime to their lives and everything will fit in without anything causing difficulties. The fact is, everything in your life can affect your running and I would say that at the top of my list restedness, hydration and diet are the most likely to impact on your running. Add to that weather, time of day, time of the month, time of life, Brexit and family and work pressures and you can imagine that it is sometimes difficult to pin down those variables that affect our performance.
If you can identify one of more thing that might have created a "bad " run, then at least it has some positives and you can try to avoid repeating them.
Everything in your life can affect your running...........and your running can affect everything in your life.
Keep running, keep smiling.
Thank you all. I’ll put my positive head back on - at least I went out and did the run and managed all the run intervals. Hydration may have been an issue as I haven’t drank much today and did have a slight headache. Onwards and upwards - week 5 here I come!