What To Do When Injured: Soo, almost a week... - Couch to 5K

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What To Do When Injured

mrrun profile image
13 Replies

Soo, almost a week since l bashed my knee on concrete floor while doing dynamic stretching there’s not been much improvement. It hurts when l bend the leg and l now know that running is some good weeks away. At least. On the plus side I’ve been running fair mileage for two solid years since my last injury so can’t really complain. Also, based on my previous experience I’ve done all the necessary homework and booked a good physio to check it out on the table. Let the pro decide, l say.

But what DO you do when on IC? Of course, feeling sorry for yourself is an option whilst moping around the house or you can prefer being angry at yourself and try to ‘learn from your mistake’, something l am seldom successful at. I suppose you can look through the window and try to convince yourself that in this weather you are better off staying inside anyway? Hmmmm....

Realistically, the best choice is simply to move on and exercise. Busted knee can’t stop you from executing planks, doing pushups, stretching your lower back, work on your shoulders and lift reasonably balanced weights. I know that once the knee agrees l will work on it by strengthening the thighs and l also know that until the last discomfort from under the kneecap is gone, there won’t be another run. Sigh. Until then...

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mrrun profile image
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13 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

So interesting that you have just put this post up! I was just about to launch a Floss ramble in this subject!

I totally empathise with the knee issue...( mine started too with a bash on a stone floor).. that was the beginning of my knee problem which out me on the IC for ten weeks... just because the knee x ray showed up something else!!!!

I hope it starts to feel easier soon! I di as you are doing... exercise which did not incorporate the knee... I found some great ones on You Tube...!

Heal well, my friend!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you Oldfloss. Yeah, regardless of how organised, disciplined and careful you can be, a single extended move with a slip can stop you there and then. And it did. Now I’m thinking of how l will ease myself back into it once ready and planning on how to fill my exercise regime. Unplanned holiday might actually do me good, you never know! :)

Razouski profile image

Oh I feel for you, and I know how frustrating it is not being able to run. Your work on core and upper body is exactly what I would do in your situation. Do you think you'll be allowed to swim - might that help?

I've been on the sick sofa rather than the injury couch for what seems like forever - about 3 weeks with a chest infection and bad asthma. I'm pleased to say that I'm almost over it so it was really nice to get out running the other day, if only a cheeky 5km.

I hope your physio can help and that you make a good recovery.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Razouski

Ah, thank you. If anything l know about injuries and it’s not the end of my ‘career’, there are way worse things in life. They will patch me up, that’s what they do and I’m already looking forward to my first run, whenever that might come along. ;)

Irishprincess profile image

Who knew a pesky little thing like stretching could cause this? 😩

You're an experienced runner so you know what to do. Lots of upper body work as you say, planning new running routes and online shopping 🙂

Any time I've been on the IC I make a point of coming on here regularly as it makes me feel I'm still a runner and you get lots of support and sympathy.

Keep us updated and enjoy your upper body workouts 💪💪💪

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Hey Princess! I have made another entry in the book of running wisdom - 'Beware the over-stretching when stretching'! Hehe.. Our bodies have their unique ways of telling us when things are not done properly - they simply shut us down. Oh well, let's carry on..

Oh no mrrun This is terrible news. I suppose all you can do is accept what has happened and be a brave soldier. Your plan for other exercise sounds good. Do you cycle or swim as that might be an alternative cardio?

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

Accept and Ignore is the mantra, not much else you can do as thinking about ‘lost’ time doesn’t really help. I will see what the physio thinks and depending on the length of recovery l might go and sit on a gym exercise bike. Cycling in London is for suicidal masochists and I’m not too keen on lane swimming with lots of others so I will have to come up with some strategy. ;)

Accept and embrace?

Could be an opportunity to shift focus on to other fitness activity. When life gives you lemons and all that....

Cycling in London hmmm, I see what you mean!

ktsok profile image

Injury sucks, it really does. Sorry to hear of yours... I did some yoga with a friend in France a couple of years ago. I overdid the stretching, with the result that my back gradually seized up until I was barely able to walk back to the car (we were in a forest at the time). A friend had to drive. I spent the rest of the holiday lying awkwardly on my side in a flat learning phrases in French for ‘it hurts very badly, give me more of your strongest painkillers’ while the others went climbing and it was a longggg drive back to the UK. It took several weeks and some heavyweight pain relief to get through that episode. So I’m fairly careful with stretching these days! It sounds like you have a plan re strengthening exercise, which is always good. I also like to catch up on other hobbies, books, friends... wishing you a speedy recovery 🙂

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to ktsok

Ouch, I've also been there a few times. Hard stretch of a cold muscle and zippppp! You remember that moment forever. ;) Lots of our 'things' we learn through experience, bodies are complex, lots of factors are thrown in, at times this could all be a fine balancing act but we learn and remember as we go.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Have you considered my usual fallback...............a velocipede!!

Keeps joint active, improves blood flow, avoids impact but rebuilds muscles.............. probably best to get it ok'd by physio first.

You will soon be back out there.

I will try a tentative little run this weekend after having to cut short a run last weekend, because of painful ankle.

mrrun profile image

They reckon I’ll only need a few treatments, unless something extra pops up, which is miles better than my first knee chaos which took months of loving care. We’ll see how it goes, I’m in no rush.

Good luck with your run. Sometimes short easy runs do us good even when the joints are creaky. You know what to do anyway..

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