Wk4r1: So I’ve just completed wk3 so I had a... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Reluctant_running profile image

So I’ve just completed wk3 so I had a sneaky look at wk4. Oh Lordy!! That’s a step up. Please tell me it’s doable!!!!!!?

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Reluctant_running profile image
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32 Replies
Sophia1712 profile image

Yep, totally doable. Take it slow!

Couchpotato2 profile image

Been there a few days ago and from the response I got to my post I was not the only one worrying about week 4! healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Take your time, you definitely can do it 🏃‍♀️

Reluctant_running profile image
Reluctant_running in reply to Couchpotato2

Thanks Couchpotato2 knew you’d motivate me with something positive 😊👏👏

Snowpony profile image

Feeling exactly the same as you tonight!! W4r1 tomorrow 😬😬😬 I cant see me running for 5 whole minutes!!! I couldn’t get any slower than I already am either!!! 😩😩😩

Reluctant_running profile image
Reluctant_running in reply to Snowpony

I have to keep telling myself something is better than nothing 😬🤪

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Graduate in reply to Snowpony

It definitely is possible... I did!

You can do 3 or those 5 minutes for sure so give it a go!

JMbryher profile image

Did my w4r1 yesterday - it was OK. Honestly, if I can do it so can you - 4 weeks ago the longest I'd ever run (or more accurately, shuffled) was the length of a train platform! Take it slow and steady, you'll be fine!

micey2 profile image

You’ll do it, no doubt

ButtercupKid profile image

Slow and steady. If it hurts, or you can’t breathe, slow down. If it still hurts, slow down again. If old people with zimmers are overtaking you but it still hurts, take the next turn off and slow down again ! You definitely can do this, but you’re asking your body for some major changes, so be kind to it and it’ll get you there x

HuwC profile image

Yep no problems, I was originally terrified by week 5 but kept the faith and not only found it doable, but more importantly enjoyable.

You sure can do it! Take your time. Find a comfortable pace. Before you know it, you'll be done. In a few weeks, you'll be wondering what all the fuss was about 🤣

ladyofcastile profile image
ladyofcastile in reply to

Exactly! Very soon you'll step into "the zone", this trance-like state that will carry you through. You legs feel warm, all you hear is your feet hitting the ground and your breathing but there are no thoughts in your mind, just peace. Before you know, you see the 5K finishing line and think: "Could I do just this all over again? Hell, yes!!" Go for it!

IWillruna5k profile image

Each week I thought I couldn’t do anymore but did! I have completed it the full 9 weeks and am going to attempt a park run! Still haven’t run 5k as I am very slow, but I just proud that I can run for 30 minutes! Couldn’t even run to the end of the road when I started! Just take it at your pace. And keep going

Barny_b profile image

I have just completed the second run of week 4. I was like you and wondering how I was going to run for 3 minutes. I was pleasantly surprised. I definitely felt the step up but I managed it and even enjoyed it. Just keep the pace at a jog and try to control your breathing, that I have found has been the biggest help.

Skippi profile image

I've just done run 2 of week 4. I'd never run before. You can definitely do it. Just take it slow and steady :)

Risy profile image

Yes it is! And you'll feel great after you complete it!! Are you using the podcast or the app? The guidance and comments of the trainers is very useful and kept me going! Think of it as being almost half way there... That's awsome!

Nival22 profile image

Easy for me than the transition from week 2 to week 3 so you got this!

If you can get through the first day then you know you can do the rest of the week!

Purdyi-18 profile image

It is. I always looked ahead and felt the same. The amazing thing is it really starts to show your progress. My motto, however hard, has been to never fail a run. If it’s really hard just slow your pace a little, it’s all about getting the distance.

John_W profile image

I have some bad news for you I'm afraid. Of the many many thousands who've downloaded the app and attempted Couch to 5K, no-one... NOT ONE PERSON, has ever got past Week 4. It's proven so difficult that even C25K's creator, Josh Clark, couldnt do it. So Couch to 5K remains possibly one of life's great physical and mental challenges... a bit like Everest was before 1953, the Moon before 1969 and the 4 minute mile before Sir Roger in 1954.

Might YOU be the first person on the Earth to provide the much-needed breakthough we're all desperately waiting for and become the very first human to complete Week 4?

I am of course, being a bit naughty and pulling your leg :-)

Of course it's doable!!! The point is that Weeks 1, 2 and 3 have prepared your body for Week 4. The only issue is that your mind isn't ready. C25K builds you up SLOWLY... like any sensible training program. It's a cumulative effect... you get a bit stronger with every session you do. How else to reach Week 9? By skipping Weeks 1-8? So... one of my mantras is that 'every run you do prepares for the next one'.

Week 1 prepares for Week 2.

Weeks 1 & 2 prepare you for Week 3.

Get it? Good!

Now get out there!!!

Good luck!


Highttoilet19 profile image

I am on week 2 and I found that better!! I think you have to that mind space to achieve this and focus, once this is in your head space after the jog and walk you feel so much better!

Linhert profile image

It’s absolutely doable. Go at your own pace and keeping going. Well done. I am on week 8 and it does get easier.

Windhover profile image

The thing I've found is that you have to believe that the people who researched and made the program are confident that it works and is always going to be do-able (barring injury of course which I get a lot of us have at some point). Sometimes it does seem unbelievable. I actually never look at what the next run contains so that I don't get scared. And of course the really motivating thing is when you find that you really have achieved something you never would have believed that you could😊 I just run along thinking 'I hope you know what you're doing Laura because I don't...'! And so far she has😊Good luck!

Lesley2606 profile image

I’m about to start week 4 today and wondered if it was doable. I’ll let you know later how it went. We can do this!!

vab71 profile image

I had my doubts as well Reluctant_running but the programme really does work and gradually builds you up. It's the over thinking that gets in the way! I completed week 5 on Sunday and was SO chuffed! I really didn't think that I'd be able to run for 20 mins without stopping but I did, and ... I enjoyed it! Out for W6R1 tonight 😁

Go for it, you CAN so do this! 😁

Davyc01 profile image

Take it easy and watch your pace, it is very easy to overdo it at the start and have nothing left at the end.

Stratters profile image

I think most of us worried - but we’re all doing it ! I reckon it’s weirdly easier than week 3 - laugh in the face of Week 4!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Kasi42 profile image

I’m in the same position as you. Found week 3 the easiest so far (although definitely not easy). Week 4 does seem hard. But we can do it!

Fatbottomgirl profile image

I did WK4R1 on Sunday. If I'm honest it took me over an hour to persuade myself to go, convinced I would have an epic fail. However not only did I complete it without stopping, but I actually found I enjoyed it and had a buzz for the rest of the evening. Go for it. What's the worst that could happen😁

ladyofcastile profile image

It is doable! 54, ready for the London Winter Run, a Half Marathon in February and another cruel cross country-steep hills- Half Marathon in March that is going to be lots of fun. Just taking my Lipedema and my Complex PTSD out for a run. What really helped me is not to limit myself to running, but work on core strength through planks, squats, lunges and mindful stretching. The actual battle, for many people, it is not the actual run: it is lacing up the running shoes and stepping out of the house. Some people are reluctant on taking part on a race because they are worried about being last. We always say on those events that "the last" is not there, "the last" stayed at home. So you can never be last. What we do with our every day life really matters and what you are doing is so worth it. You have no idea how many people you will be inspiring on your way. That ripple effect is just lovely to see.

Anna675 profile image

Trust in the programme!! If you’ve completed w3 runs you are ready for W4!! Go for it 😊

Huffinpuffer profile image

I cried my way through week 3. It was so tough for me and I honestly thought I couldn’t do it. Was the worst week of the programme for me. Realised I was expecting my body to just get on with it without much commitment from the brain..... put my big girls pants on and got on with it.....Now enjoying the park run every week and my times are getting better and better. You will whizz through the weeks and start to feel proud of yourself as your fitness improves..... it’s all about the mind!!!! Good luck xxx

Thanks everyone for your support! Run tomorrow will let you know how it goes.

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